Page 23 of Whisper Falls
Mauvy, to her credit, smiles indulgently at me, dropping her small hand on Seldon’s shoulder, “Come on you, you have work to do, too. Break’s over.”
There is a bit of shuffling as they both get up to leave, and we rearrange ourselves. I’m surprised by a quick hug from Mauvy, and then one from Seldon. I’m even more surprised that amongst the reshuffle, Roan has kept his leg against mine. Can he feel the heat of my skin against his through thefartoothicklayers of our pants? Is it driving him a little crazy too?
“So, did Tor catch you yesterday? They’ve headed into Loqueaur for a few days.” Edith quickly sculls the rest of Seldon and Mauvy’s drinks. And mine, apparently.
“Hey! That was mine!”
Edith grins, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, smearing her lipstick.
“You shouldn’t be drinking soda, it’s bad for your health, little one. But I asked a question. Your brother?”
Seff surreptitiously slides the beer jug closer to himself and Roan and pours them both a glass.
“Yeah, he stopped by yesterday. He’s going to tie up some loose ends for me as much as he can at the University. Bring me my laptop and stuff so I can do the rest.” I’ll figure out exactly how that’s going to work with the extremely limited phone and internet connection out here and electricity only in thekitchenof the cottage later. “And they are going to bring my clothes and stuff, I guess.”
Not that I want them. Quite frankly, they can put it all in a bonfire and torch my old life. Not to be dramatic about it, but that Theo is very much dead and buried.
“Don’t you have people you need to, like, catch up with or something? Say goodbye?” It’s a very Seff question, and forsomeone like him, naturally friendly, and outgoing, it makes sense. But for me? Well, I’m sure the University will miss my gift, but I doubt anybody would noticeme, Theo Hivercouer, having ghosted the lot of them.
Vague guilt niggles my conscience about Darius and that maybe I should get in contact with him. The old part of me, which I guess is not as dead as I like to think, can’t let go of the fear that I’ve upset him by not getting in contact. By not being there if he has tried to contact me.
Maybe that’s why he’s been in all my dreams? I promise myself that once I get hold of my phone, I’ll send him a text or something, and lock the irksome little feelings away for another time.
“Not really. There may be a couple.” I’m exaggerating, which makes Seff’s flash of pity even more pathetic. “But I can message them when I get my phone and stuff back. Honestly, it’s fine.” Edith clucks in sympathy and embarrassment heats the back of my neck, making me nauseous.
I bypass the beer on the table and pour a large glass of the water, desperate for something to do with my hands. But then Roan knocks my leg again, and I look up to his small half-smile, and the buzzing under my skin calms a little.
“Wanna get started on the cottage tomorrow?” I could kiss Roan for changing the topic. Not that I really need a reason to want to climb him like a tree. He’s not exactly tall, but I am short enough to make it work.
“Uh, no. That sounds like hard work and effort to be honest with you.”
Roan’s bark of laughter sparks a different sort of heat inside me this time. He raps on the table and shoves back on his stool.
My eyes eat up the sight of his muscles stretching under his shirt as he stands, pointing a finger in my direction. “No getting out of it now. I’m on the late shift tomorrow night, so we’ll startafter lunch. Have a good one, Seff.” He nods at Seff, who raises his hand in a little wave.
But then Roan turns to Edith next to me, eyes narrowing. “No more conning Woodsy into free drinks at the bar. I’ll ban you if I have to.” Edith smiles sweetly, resting her chin on her hand, her elbow resting on the table.
“You wouldn’t dare. Mauvy would have your balls.” Roan narrows his eyes further, but Edith just smiles wider. Realising his lost cause, he waves the witch off and turns from the table, waving to the three of us as we watch his gorgeous ass flex under his tan pants.
“That, my friends, is a work of art.” Roan catches the last word to Seff’s whispered admiration and our sighs of agreement, flipping the bird at us from across the tavern.
A fit of giggles overtakes us, and the thought smacks me over the head that it’s the first time that I’ve ever donethis.
And it’s nice. It’s nice to have a friend.
I’m late to Inigo’scottage, mainly because I don’t really want to be there. Well. No, that’s not fair. Idowant to see the cottage reformed back to its former glory, and Idowant to be the one to live there when it’s all said and done, and Ireally dowant to spend more time around Roan.
But it’s been a week now of backbreaking labour, and I’m sore. Maybe it makes me sound like the privileged little rich boy that I am, but I am not built for this kind of work.
Nevertheless, everyday I drag my butt out of my room over to the cottage, like there is some irresistible pull to the place. And maybe, just maybe, there is a tiny little piece of me that likes the work.
It’s hot enough today that even I can’t justify hiding inside of one of Seldon’s sweaters. I really need to get myself to Twin Heads so I can stop running around in his castoffs.
I spent a little too long considering my limited wardrobe, especially since I am spending the day toiling under the hot sun (okay, inside a well-insulated house) getting all gross andsweaty. But Roan’s going to be there. And that man is so far under my skin, he is basically embedded in my cells by now.