Page 5 of Whisper Falls
That stupid little detail is the thing that breaks the final thin thread holding me together. My eyes blur with tears, and I stumble through the room, trying valiantly to inhale the sobs of the total meltdown I have been waiting weeks to have.
Thankfully, I manage to make it to my bed just as the torrent unleashes. The sheets are soft and comforting against my skin and I hate the pleasant sensation so at odds with how I feel on the inside.
I wrap my naked, still damp body in the sheets, letting the heavy bedding weigh me down. My sobs overtake me, silent and breathless. My lungs burn with each gasp. A tidal wave of guilt smashes into my pain, shame that I am feeling so wretched when I had beensaved. When people,good people, had risked themselves to save me.
Guilt, fear, loneliness, shame and sorrow war within me, battling to crush the last remaining bits of my spirit.
And I let them.
Always too weak to fight, I let my emotions run rampant through me, until exhaustion finally, blissfully claims me.
The scent of flowers and death are suffocating. Like the scent has become corporeal and is smothering my face. I can almost see it. Bile rising and burning my throat, I choke on it.
There is a laugh, only I don’t hear it. Ifeelit. It vibrates in my bones and I realise I am pinned to something hard and wooden. The texture is rough under my skin and I try to open my eyes, but I can’t. They are closed. Locked. Sealed by the deathly floral phantom permeating my oxygen.
Someone is talking.
They are close.
I can feel them by my side. There is no heat from their body, but I can feel their energy, their power. Theirwrongness, like a buzzing under my skin making primitive fear flare in my body.
I should run. I need to go.
I try to lift my limbs but I can’t. I have lost all dominion over my body. It no longer belongs to me, I am powerless. That spark of fear combusts into a raging inferno, every instinct I possess telling me to flee. But I can’t.
I try to recognise the words she - I am sure it is a she - is speaking. If you can call the disembodied echoing noise she is making, speaking. Her words are not in this language. They are not in any language I have ever heard.
But it is one that I have read.
“Wake little fae, I know you can hear me,” there is a cackle and my skin singes as if electrified, “today your pain ends. I can feel it all. But your torment is soon over. And then, I will take your brother too.” She titters a laugh that was probably intended as girlish but is instead gruesome.
There is a rush of air and chanting. And then pain. Pain the likes of which I have never known. My mouth snaps open in a silent scream as my body contorts—the loud snaps of my bones bending and breaking, then resetting again is deafening. I can still hear her laughter. She enjoys my pain.
And then I feel it, what she was truly after.
My power. My gift.
I have never really felt them before, they simply exist inside of me, but I can feel them now. Burning my insides as she calls them forth. Like balls of lava, they flow from me, through my body, out of my gaping mouth. I feel the burn as the energy passes my lips and then, the unnatural emptiness within me. Like I have been carved out, hollow.
There is a rush, and a burst, blinding white light which fades rapidly to darkness. Empty, vast black.
Like the world is blank.
Until it’s not.
Chaos. Chaos and explosions.
I don’t know and I can’t move.
I need to get to safety but I cannot make my body go. Why can’t I make my body move?
But it doesn’t matter, because safety is here. The smell of rotting death and flowers is gone, replaced by something else. Something spicy and warm and safe.
I know it in my spirit. I am taken from the rough wooden thing, and the warm, spicy smell wraps around me like a blanket.