Page 61 of Whisper Falls
“That bed is gorgeous and you know it. You can admit you were wrong, you know, you won’t keel over and die.”
Our bags bump and collide as he tries to make his way past in the narrow entry. I grunt when one of his bags pushes into mine, shoving something pointy into my crotch. Theo winces in apology, but I shrug him off.
We look like a couple of pack mules with all our bags. I knew today was going to be big, but I didn’t quite understand how exhausting it would be when I agreed to help Theo shop for the house.
There had been endless debates on the exact shade of white, and we must have felt up at least three hundred different sets of sheets to find the exact right softness. I wish I was exaggerating, but I’m not. It could very easily have been more than three hundred.
Theo stumbles his way into the hotel room, dumping the mountain of bags containing linen and curtains and a bunch of other stuff he deemed essential, before flopping onto one of the slightly too small two-seater cream leather couches in the living area. I’m not complaining because even though I’m tired and every muscle in my body hurts, and somehow shopping is the most intense exercise I haveeverexperienced, it was also… fun.
Maybe it was just the Theo Effect, because things are just that little bit better with him around. Or maybe it was the mildly disgusting way that we bickered like an old married couple over the furniture that is due to be delivered early next week.
He likes blond woods, I like darker tones; he likes “interesting” patterns and details, and I like clean lines. It became a fiery debate for the dining table, because, even though it washisdining table, he wanted me to agree.
We ended up finding an oval table with delicately carved legs that is going to work in the space. It’s actually painted black with blond wood chairs that somehow all blended in. The side table was a natural decision after that.
But somehow, there was a giant gold-framed mirror that was getting delivered, and Theo decided we were painting the room a dark emerald green. He picked up several gold accessories to “tie it all together”.
Ok, the rug had beenmyidea, but it was the same colour green that he was talking about painting the walls and was covered in roses and vines just like the carvings in the house. We agreed that it was meant to be, and that was it.
That bed, though. Ugh. I groan as I kick off my shoes and roll my shoulders, making my way over to collapse next to Theo on the couch. Before I’m even settled, Theo has snuggled into my side, pulling my arm around himself as he digs his feet into the arm of the couch, getting as comfortable as the seat will allow.
At least the bed will becomfortable. The price he paid for the mattress had been eye-watering, but he didn’t bat an eyelid as he handed over his card. Sometimes, I forget just how much money Theo has—it’s not like he flashes it about or anything.
It definitely showed today with how ridiculously fussy he got over sheets, scolding me about the thread count and origin of the different threads. I have no idea how he’s survived on the sheets at the tavern.
I thought the hideous bed was a joke at first, but he was in love with it, and there was no talking him out of it. The headboard was an intricate monstrosity featuring two peacocks framing other smaller woodland animals and flora, all meticulously hand-carved into the piece like wooden lacework and inlaid with mother-of-pearl accents. I thought the thing was ugly enough, until I saw the matching armoire, of which he had boughttwoafter furtively looking at me and blushing adorably at the sales assistant.
That one was specificallyfor memade me see them in a new light. A tacky, gaudy light, but a new one nonetheless.
“What time is it?” He sounds sleepy and relaxed. Sure enough, when I look down, his eyes are gently closed and he’s rubbing his cheek on my inner arm like a kitten. I dig my phone out of my pocket and check the time. There are a couple of messages from Seff and Seldon letting us know they are on their way.
“Late. I’m glad we grabbed noodles at that place you talked about because the guys said they were on their way fifteen minutes ago, which means that they should be here any minute.”
Theo whines, burrowing himself deeper into the crevice between me and the couch.
“No. Don’t want to go out. Tired.”
My laugh jostles him enough that he whines again, and so I use the arm that he doesn’t have pinned to tickle at his side.
I mean, I’m tired too, but even though this night out was entirely his idea, I’m actually looking forward to it. I know Theo thinks I’m just a crotchety old man, but I’m not actuallythatold. And Ilikegoing out, it’s just hard with the tavern. Plus, I’m looking forward to seeing him all dressed up and out on the dance floor.
Seldon mentioned something about nipple pasties in passing, and I’ve spent the last week half hard, daydreaming about what he was going to dress Theo up in.
Theo’s laughter has completely stolen his breath as my fingers dig into the sensitive spot under his ribs. Somehow, he manages to squirm and writhe his way around, almost falling onto the floor, but he saves himself just in time to scramble his way into my lap. Breathless, creamy skin flushed pink, eyes bright with laughter, hair a tousled mess, he is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
My eyes search his as they flick back and forth between mine, and when his perfect white teeth bite into his strawberry pink lips, my stomach swoops, time standing still in one perfect moment.
Before I can do something stupid like blurt out that I am crazily, madly, deeply in love with him, and I just want to tie him to that ugly travesty of a bed and make love to him and worship him and take care of him for all of eternity, I cup his jaw in both my palms, to pull him slowly down to lay his lips on mine.
In the seconds before our lips make contact, I fear he has seen the truth in my eyes, because his breath hitches, and his hands, which have drifted to my chest, grip my shirt in tight fists. Before he can question me, I crush his mouth to mine, and he opens for me, letting me swoop my tongue in and claim him.
His fists flex on my chest, and he shuffles higher on my lap until his ass is firmly on my cock. The kiss starts soft and sweetbut quickly turns hot and hungry as he devours me, desperate to get as close as he can.
Frantic whimpers escape from his lips, his hands fluttering their way down to skirt under my shirt, tugging it from my pants and trying to yank it off me. It’s stuck behind me, and he can only get it far enough to show a few centimetres of my stomach before he grunts in frustration and starts undoing my pants instead, nimbly getting the buttons and zipper undone despite my raging erection forcing itself against the seams. Those same fingers dance and trace over the ridges of my cock through the stretched fabric of my boxer briefs.
My dick jerks excitedly, making him laugh softly against me. But then I suck one of those plump lips between my teeth, biting down hard enough to cause pain but gently enough so as not to break the skin, in punishment for his teasing, and I arch my hips hard up into his hands.
Theo hisses at the contact and, the moment he is released from my bite, he is on me, grinding his hips down into my cock, kissing and biting his way down my neck and across my collarbone, leaving a necklace of bruises in his wake.