Page 63 of Whisper Falls
The moment the door is firmly closed, Seldon swings his legs off of Seff’s lap, dislodging the bigger shifter. Seldon, obviously done with needling Seff, turns his vivid yellow eyes on me. He leans forward, one elbow resting on his knee. “Have you guys figured out what you’re doing yet?”
My groan is loud and long, and it feels like I’m competing with Seff in the melodrama department. He offers no sympathy though, the traitor. Instead, he perks up, pulling a cushion intohis lap to hug. Searching for how best to answer, I scrub my hand down my face. “Not you, too. Why is everyone so invested in our shit?”
“Because we love Theo.” Seldon pauses and see-saws his head. “And you, too. But also because the whole, ‘will they won’t they’ thing. I mean, you two are well beyond that, but now we areinvested.We want to see your little red-head grumpy babies with their cute little horns running around the tavern.”
“Yeah, well. First,thatisn’t going to happen because, well, we’re men. But look, not that it isanyof your business, but no. We haven’t had the talk about being exclusive or labels or anything like that. But I don’t want to be with anyone but him. I am pretty sure he knows that.”
“What if he sees someone tonight and wants to hook up with them?”
The feral other side of me wants to burn the village to the ground at Seff’s suggestion, but I manage to choke out an even reply around the bile rising in my throat.
“If that’s what he really wants, I’m not in any position to stop him.” They both laugh loudly, Seldon playfully slapping Seff’s chest with the back of his hand.
“Yeah, right, boss. I’m actually impressed that you managed to get that one out around the berserker rage there.”
Shit, I hadn’t even noticed the way my body had become inflamed at the suggestion. I inspect the veins on the back of my hand, watching them recede and fade as I try to control my breathing.
“Stop being a dickhead.Of courseI don’t want Theo sleeping with anyone else.”
I manage to keep thehe is mineto myself.
“But one of the reasons I’ve held back on all of this is because I don’t want to stop him from experiencing this new life he ismaking. If someone else is what he wants, well, then, that’s his choice.”
Seff’s eyes narrow slightly. He’s leaning back on the couch, dwarfing the thing with his giant body sprawled low over it. His elbows are spread wide as he cups the back of his head casually in his hands, fidgeting with the bill of his cap, making it jump on his forehead.
“Sounds bullshit. But whatever. Just don’t push him away in some noble sacrifice. He knows what he wants. Listen, when he tells you.” Seff holds my eyes for a moment until he’s sure that I understand.
Something in my face must reassure him because he nods and slaps Seldon on the calf.
“Go and get ready. I know you have something crazy planned, so get on it or all the hot guys will be taken and it really will have to be a group thing.”
Seldon’s laugh is musical as he stands and makes his way back to the giant duffle he’d dumped on the floor. He groans as he lifts it, making his way to the bedroom.
“Yeah that’s not at all the incentive to get moving that you think it is. The only downside is how badly Edith would kick my ass over missing it! And besides,” Seldon taunts, poking his head back out the doorway to the bedroom, “I thought you weren’t hooking up anymore?”
His cackle of laughter echoes behind him as he disappears to go get ready for the night.
I watch the empty space for a second and turn back to Seff, now violently red with his blush. “Not hooking up, hey? Wanna explain that one?”
Seff slides impossibly lower onto the tiny couch. He’s basically horizontal. How he’s managing to fit, I have no idea. “No, Roan, no I do not.”
This was a mistake, I am realising far,fartoo late. Absolutely nothing good is going to come of this, surely.
We arrived at the bar to the usual gawking that follows Seff wherever he goes. If that wasn’t bad enough, Theo and Seldon were attracting the rest of the attention. And yes, of course I’m jealous. Not that I want the attention for myself. I just don’t want any of these vultures anywhere near Theo.
We’d started off with the round of absolutely toxic cocktails still sitting on the table, helpfully procured by Seldon and his flirting. Seldon is in fine form tonight, stirring up the table as much as he can, continuing to torture poor Seff with his absolute shambles of a love life—the guy is a mess. It was only when Seldon droppedDaddyin my direction that Theo had dragged him to the dance floor.
Which isnothelping the violent battle of emotions raging inside me. Watching Seldon and Theo writhing around together on the dance floor is making me a confusing and dangerous mix of horny and jealous.
Between the pair of them grinding all over each other and the predatory eyes of half the men in the club watching them, my body doesn’t know what to do with the ferocity and the heat inside of me. I want to rage. I want to fuck.
I want Theo.
He looks fucking incredible out there—Seldon truly outdid himself. I’m starting to think his talents are wasted at the Black Stump. He dressed Theo in tiny denim cutoffs, ones that accentuate the burgeoning muscles in his thighs - muscles he’d earned working on the house and the gardens - heavy black boots, and a sheer crop top that cuts off just under his nipples.
Seldon teased Theo’s soft copper curls into a contrived sexy mess, the curls bigger, bouncier, framing his face artfully. Itlooks like he’d been fucked, and fucked hard, while someone had locked their fingers into those strands to hold on for life while they ploughed into him.