Page 71 of All Because of You
“Not at all.” He rounded the couch. “Sit.”
Shane wanted to defy him, but curiosity had him plopping his ass down.
Grandfather sat on the couch, resting his ankle on his knee. “I need you to understand. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, but your father was never one of them.”
“You have a real shitty way of showing that. First you let him take off and cut you out of his life, then you denied my mother when she came to you for help, and then you’ve been nothing but a prick to me since I showed up. I never expected you to roll out a red carpet, but I expected a little more hospitality from my own grandfather. I met a lot of people coming here and am grateful for how easily they accepted me into their lives. You have been my biggest disappointment.”
Grandfather’s brow furrowed, his wrinkles becoming more defined. “If we’re being honest, you’ve been a big disappointment for me, too.”
“That’s nice.” Shane wasn’t going to sit here while they ripped each other down. Shane was more than capable of doing it himself. “I’m sorry if I’m a big disappointment, but you didn’t even give me a shot. You avoided me, berated me, and lied to me.”
“I know, and I was wrong. I admit that. A part of me is still angry with your father.”
“He didn’t do anything wrong. You were the one who lied to him.”
“I lied to him to give him a better life.”
That was the biggest line of bullshit Shane had ever heard. “You lied to him to cover your own ass.”
“In the beginning yes, and then after that—” His words faded, realization shining in his eyes.
“You’ve been holding onto this anger and disappointment with my father all these years, and for what? So you didn’t have to face the truth? And now you’re taking it out on me. Disappointed in me when there’s nothing you know about me to even be disappointed in other than the fact that I’m my father’s son.”
“No. The reason I’m disappointed is you’re leaving.”
If Shane’s head wasn’t attached to his body, it would have whipped around and fell right the hell off. “I thought you’d be happy to get me out of your hair. Happy to get rid of the constant reminder of the son you will always have unfinished business with.”
“You really are just like him, you know. Not afraid to say exactly what’s on your mind. But it’s one thing to talk a big game. To be a man you have to be willing to back up your words. The moment I met you, I pegged you as a fighter. Then I come here and see that you’re ditching town.”
“There’s nothing left for me here.”
“Bullshit!” Grandfather exclaimed, smacking a hand on his leg. “You have family here.”
“A family I basically destroyed. Tell me, is Mimi even talking to you?”
“It wouldn’t be the first time she’s not speaking to me. Your grandmother is much stronger than people give her credit for, and we’ve weathered worse. But if you’re so concerned about supposedly destroying our family, wouldn’t a better man stay and fix what he broke?”
“Skipping town is easier for everyone else.”
“No. It’s easier for him. He’ll convince himself that he’s doing it for them to justify running.”
That’s exactly what Shane was doing. He was running—running away from his family, running away from Olivia. If he left them behind, he didn’t have to deal with the heartache, pain, and emotions that came with forming relationships and opening his heart to love.
Grandfather rested a hand on Shane’s shoulder. It was the first physical contact they’d ever had, and it was surprisingly comforting. “Don’t make the same mistake as your father.”
Dad had run, just as Shane was doing, and he died never making amends. Shane didn’t want that for himself. He didn’t want that for anyone he cared for. “And what about you?”
“I’m here, aren’t I?”
Chapter 23
It had been less than twenty-four hours since Shane all but shoved Olivia out of his door and out of his life. She was still dumbfounded he had the nerve to text Milo for a ride while they were arguing. Her lip quivered at the memory, but she held back the tears. She cried enough tears for men this month, and she wasn’t about to let herself cry any more.
She dropped a few pellets of food into her betta’s tank. She still hadn’t named him. “What should your name be?” she asked, watching as he sucked in a piece of food. His blue fins fanned out behind him like a majestic king’s robe. “How about Sir Phillip?” He fluttered his tail at that exact moment. “I’ll take that as a yes. Sir Phillip it is.” She tapped the tank, and Sir Phillip followed her finger. “At least you can’t leave me. Well, you could die… Don’t do that.”
Her shift wasn’t starting for at least a few hours, and her parents had taken the golf cart to bring John Andre to the beach to run around. Bored, she looked in the fridge, but there was still nothing that she wanted.
She could go for a slice of pie. She just had to avoid the table she and Shane sat at. And the alleyway… the wall… the sidewalk…