Page 3 of Dark King
After this last time, the burns now descended down the right side of her body, hidden below the leathers of her black armor. For some reason, I had decided not to kill her.
She was the one soul I’d ever granted mercy to. I still didn’t understand why. Something had stopped me from damning her, be it fate, I didn’t know. Maybe I would understand someday, but whatever it may be, I wasn’t losing sleep over it.
It didn’t much matter. The important thing was she still served me, and she would continue to do so until her last dying breath.
I gestured for her to join us, and she stepped forward, her head held high, her expression stoic. She may have failed me in the past, but she was loyal, and I wouldn’t begrudge her that.
She may fear me, but I was a fair king. Sometimes…
Mais bowed her head, her hand resting on the hilt of the dagger she kept strapped to her side. I knew it well. It was forged with the heart of my magic, and my essence flowed through the black iron, giving it its dark and mysterious power.
Only a handful of weapons in all the realms could match its strength and she was the only one I trusted to carry it when I didn’t carry it myself.
“Welcome, seer,” Mais murmured, her voice soft yet respectful.
The seer moved further into the room, her form flickering like a shadow caught between realms. Her dark, void-like eyes betrayed no emotion, and her presence sent a chill through the already frigid air. I watched her warily, loathing every moment she remained in my presence.
“Speak your warning and be gone,” I demanded, my patience wearing far too thin already.
She smiled, a twisted, knowing smile that only deepened my irritation and I glared back at her with pure hatred.
“A girl with golden eyes will be your undoing,” she intoned, her voice resonating with an eerie certainty. “She will come from the light, touched by dragon magic. She is destined to bring you ruin.”
I dismissed her words with a wave of my hand, scoffing at the notion. “The prophecy you gave me calls for the sacrifice of four human girls touched by dragon magic. Three have lost their humanity and I’m close to finding the last one. Her sacrifice will grant me unparalleled power, allowing me to rule over all five kingdoms without the annoyance of barriers. She will die by my hand. Your warning is pointless. Her golden eyes will not matter in the slightest.”
The seer’s smile widened, her eyes glinting with a hint of mockery.
“Power and fate are fickle, Dark King. Beware the golden-eyed girl. She may be more than you expect.”
I stood, the icy touch of my throne seeping into my core as I glared back at her.
“Leave now, witch, before I lose what little patience I have left.”
With a final enigmatic smile, the seer vanished into the shadows, leaving behind a lingering sense of foreboding. I turned to Mais, who had watched the exchange in silence, her expression unreadable.
“Prepare the search for the girl,” I commanded. “Her life will fuel my ascension. I will be sure to cut her pretty human throat myself.”
Mais nodded, her hand resting on the hilt of her dagger. “As you command, my king.”
As I settled back onto my throne, I glanced around the room, taking in the hellish flames that danced in shadows on the walls. I knew that very soon, all five kingdoms would bow before me. The prophecy would be fulfilled, and not even the seer’s cryptic warning could deter me from my path to ultimate power.
I wouldn’t rest until it was mine.
All mine.
Aria Nightingale
Today was turning out even worse than I had anticipated.
I was so hungry.
I sighed and pressed my hands to my belly. It hurt more today than usual, and I’d been trying to ignore it, but it was more difficult with every passing minute. Though the slums of Sungard were touched by sunlight amidst the shadows, even the most beautiful places were still soured with the cruel pangs of hunger.
My stomach growled and a surge of pain spiraled through me. When was the last time I had eaten? Yesterday? The day before that? I couldn’t remember. It didn’t much matter.