Page 103 of The Draft
“Did you know your lifeline is really long? Like freakishly long,” he said, completely entranced. I pulled my hand away and stuffed it in my pocket.
“I need to talk to you in there.” I used my eyebrows to point to his room. Side-eyeing Sienna, I said, “You can go now.”
“Fine,” she sighed, which surprised me since I expected her to push back. Maybe she’d had enough of the drama as I had today. Looking around me, she raised her hand to Cade. “Good seeing you again, C. I hope you don’t have a headache in the morning.”
Without looking or moving anything other than his hand to salute her, Cade said, “Goodbye, Little Miss Pop My Cherry.”
Deadpanned, she glanced at me for answers, and I shook my head. “Long story. Don’t ask.”
My phone vibrated in my jeans, but I ignored it. Cade was more important, and I was determined to make him my priority. When I reached for my door, Cade slapped my opened hand, giving me a high-five I didn’t ask for. Sighing, I slung one of his arms over my shoulder and dragged him to his bedroom.
Pushing the door open, I rolled him onto the bed and sat on the black leather office chair beside it.
Cade moved around a little before throwing an arm over his eyes and growling.
“So,” I started. “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong, or are you justgoing to keep growling like a bear over there?”
With no way to see me, he replied, “That’s rich coming from you. You’ve got one of the hottest girls on campus chasing after you, and you’re still the grumpiest shit I’ve ever met.”
“I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s going on.”
“Nothing. I’m fine.”
“You sure about that, because when you’re fine, you usually take your aggression out in the rink.”
“I believe your door would have other opinions on that.”
I let out a small laugh because, even in his drunk state, he had a way of being obtuse. I was getting nowhere with him tonight. He wasn’t going to tell me anything in this drunk state, but I couldn’t exactly just up and leave him. My best friend needed me, and it was high time I started acting like one myself.
“I don’t know what’s going on with you, C, but I do want you to know that I’m here and willing to help you.”
Cade lifted his arm just enough to open one eye. Surprisingly, it was less bloodshot than earlier. “You can’t help me. Not with this problem.”
“Why not? You in financial trouble or something?”
“No. Nothing like that. I’m just…”
He closed his eyes, trailing off, and I had no idea what his issue was. “Spit it out, Bright.”
“I’m in love, okay?”
Well, shit. That wasn’t where I was expecting this to go.
“You are?” I swallowed, watching as my friend’s face morphed from nonchalance to aggravation. Was this one of the girls that Sienna mentioned?
“Yes, and she hates me. It doesn’t matter who I beat up for her or how much I pay to see her, she doesn’t want anything to do with me.”
Constantly checking his phone, going out straight after games, throwing parties after losses. How had I not figured out sooner that there was a girl involved with all his weird behavior? I frowned because I knew why. Madison. I was focusing so much on her that I’d been completely oblivious to my friend’s needs. Even now, I’d been thinking about her all night instead of stopping my friend from getting into such an intoxicated state.
“It’s fucked up, and it pisses me off.”
“Because she doesn’t like you?”
“Because she has a boyfriend.”
“Ah, that could be a problem.”
“Yeah, and you don’t know her, but she’s a good girl. She’s not going to cheat. Not with me, at least.”