Page 117 of The Draft
I glanced at the door, and that cardboard-covered hole glared at me because the risk factor had just increased twofold. I checked the time on my phone, noting it was five a.m., and the boys would be up soon.
“Morning,” I griped because although it wasn’t unusual for me to be awake at this time, I was exhausted. Staying up until three to play with Madison’s delectable body would do that to you.
Madison turned in my arms, and her hand immediately dropped to my dick. Unbelievable. She was ready for another round, and even though my cock might have fooled her into thinking I was too, I wasn’t.
“What? We’re up. No one else is. Isn’t this the perfect time to have some fun?”
“No, because we’re only up so we can get you out of here before anyone sees you.”
“Do I have to go? I was thinking we could just tell Cade this morning.”
“You think your brother will be accepting of our relationship if he finds out you slept over and I gave you at least eight orgasms last night?”
“It was actually nine.”
I shook my head at her antics. “I’m going to tell him, but I want to do it alone. I don’t want any blowback on you.”
“You sure? Because I like to blow you.”
“Madison. This is serious. I want to make sure we do this right.”
She sighed and removed her hand from me reluctantly. “If you say so.”
Kissing her on the lips, I patted her cute little ass. “Come on. Go take a shower, and I’ll come back with a coffee for you.”
“Yes, please,” she murmured with a lazy smile. She languidly moved out of the bed, and when she was standing in just my shirt in front of me, my dick stood, too. “Care to join me in the shower?”
“Next time.” It felt like I was stabbing myself in the foot saying no, but I knew that if I joined her, we wouldn’t be leaving this room until the evening, and I didn’t want Madison thinking that all she was to me was a fuck buddy. She was so much more, and the way to prove that was to finally tell her brother about us.
Rolling her eyes, she said, “Fine,” and skipped to my shower.
Damn. I really was a lucky asshole.
After dragging myself out of bed, I threw on a pair of basketball shorts and a sweatshirt and made my way to the common room, assuming no one would be out there yet.
Shutting my door fully, I made my way to the kitchen, happy that I was right with my assumption. All the dorm doors were shut, and no one was up. Looked like my plan was going to work. Madison could leave before anyone saw her. Dropping a coffee capsule into the machine, I yawned as I waited for it to heat.
“You’re up early. Guess that’s what happens when you miss out on a party.”
I gulped down my yawn and glanced over my shoulder. Shit. “Hey, Cade. What are you doing up?”
He pointed to his temple. “Last night was crazy, and I’m wired. I can’t sleep. I haven’t been able to for a while.”
“Cade. That’s not normal. I think you might have a problem.”
“I think you do too.” He gestured to the coffeepot with his eyes. “You’re getting domesticated. You better watch out.”
“I have no idea what you are talking about.”
He pointed to the cup that was now filling with the brown liquid. “You hate coffee, so I know that mug’s not for you. Must be for Reporter Girl.”
Whelp, if I needed any confirmation that he hadn’t heard my declaration of love the other night, I just got it. Maybe I should go into my room and pull up my speech, so he’ll never mention me and Sienna again. Although Madison is still in my room, so I should probably wait.
“By the way, have you heard from Madison?”
That perked me up. Was he reading my thoughts? “Um. Why?”