Page 120 of The Draft
As I opened my eyes, she had one of my gray towels and dabbed it across my forehead before placing it under my nose. The towel wrapped around her body was covered in blood, so I could only assume my clothes werejust as messy.
“I can’t believe you did that, Cade.” Madison refused to look at her brother as she shook her head in annoyance and kept her blue eyes focused on me.
“You can’t believe I’d do that? He’s been sleeping with that reporter girl for the last two months, and you’re getting angry at me for protecting your honor?”
“I was never dating Sienna.” The relief I felt from getting that off my chest was short-lived because I was still in so much pain. Sitting up, I rested my hand against the wall, using the connection to stabilize me as I edged myself up to a stand. “I just went along with the Sienna stuff so you wouldn’t suspect I was with Madison.”
Cade immediately took a step toward me, but Madison purposely stood in his way.
“So you decided to sleep with my sister after I asked you to figure out who she was dating?”
Jesus, this whole thing was a mess.
“Cade. Stop. I’ve been in love with Dash since eleventh grade.”
“I know that. I just didn’t think Dash would use you like that.”
“Use her? I would never use her.”
“Please. You dated that chick, Amy, for years and showed nothing but a passing interest in her. The only thing I’ve seen you show any amount of affection for is your foam roller.”
“Cade, I’ve been in love with Madison for years, too.”
“Aw, you have?” She sounded shocked, but I couldn’t understand why since I’d pretty much told her this yesterday.
Without warning, Cade threw another punch, this time to my stomach.
“So you’ve been lying to me and sleeping with my sister behind my back? Didn’t even have the decency to tell me you were in love with her? Selfish asshole.”
“Cade. We didn’t tell you because we thought you’d react like this.”
“Madison, dear sweet sister, would you mind leaving?”
“No.” She pushed him. “I’m not leaving you to hurt my boyfriend.”
Cade threw his head back in a laugh. “Well, I need to talk to yourboyfriend.”
“What the—” In just boxers, Scotty came running through the door and kneeled in front of me. “Dash, are you okay?”
“He’s fine.” Cade waved off Scotty’s concern. “He’s been hurt worse on the ice.”
“Shit, D. I think you need to go to the hospital. Your nose looks broken.”
“Not the nose!” Madison sighed dramatically.
“That would explain why I’m finding it hard to breathe.”
“I think that’s more to do with the blood coming out of it. Come on.” Scotty hoisted me up and dragged me through my door. “Alex!” he called into the common room, immediately rousing the rest of the team. “Can you help me carry Dash? Erik,” he grumbled out our teammate’s name reluctantly.
Unbeknownst to me, Erik was under a blanket on the sofa and had only just woken up. He looked between us, and his eyes grew wide. “What the?”
“Don’t ask,” Scotty muttered.
“Oh, no. Did Cade find out about Dash and Madison?”
“Wait, you knew, too?” Scotty said with surprise.
Erik rubbed his eyes, too tired to censor himself. “Yeah, I saw Madison sneaking out of his room a few weeks ago.”