Page 29 of The Draft
I leaned onto the back of the door, annoyed that I brought all of this on myself. How was I ever going to look at Dash again without thinking about this moment? Without knowing that I embarrassed myself in front of him? He would be in my life forever because he was Cade’s best friend, and I would always be the girl who had a little crush on him. Humiliation flared through my body, and I could feel my cheeks heating. This was really it. Dash and I were never meant to be, and this was the end of that dream.
“Don’t break my heart. Please.” My voice was a soft whimper, and I closed my eyes, bracing for the impact like it was a knife about to stab me.
I felt him shuffling forward, his body brushing against mine, and I could already tell what was about to happen. He was going to try to comfort me.Comfort me. Was there anything more mortifying than being consoled by the guy you loved who didn’t love you back?
His hand rested on my shoulder, and it was then I realized that I was sobbing silently to myself because this had all become too much.
This couldn’t be happening.
I was more embarrassed now than I’d ever been with Henry, and he’d cheated on me in front of the entire school. Now, it was just me and Dash, and yet, it hurt so much more because he meant so much more to me.
Dash’s hand stroked my arm, his thumb making small circles by my elbow. There, we had it. The consoling had commenced, and I was almost certain my heart was on the floor decimated by the impact.
“Madison,” he said more forcefully this time, and I’d prepared myself for the worst. He was going to tell me that I never had a chance with him, and that he just finished getting his dick sucked by the most beautiful girl in this college, or something like that. I sure was a glutton for punishment, wasn’t I? Maybe I should just leave before he could say anything. Wouldn’t that be better?
“You know what?” My voice was croaky, and I couldn’t bear to look at him. “I think I’m just going to go.”
I stepped to the side, but Dash held on to my arm a little tighter. “Madison.”
I raised my hand. “Shh. It’s okay. I get it.”
“No, you clearly don’t.”
I slunk out of his hold and turned so I could leave. As I opened the door, Dash’s hand slapped the wood above me, slamming it shut.
I stared at the cardboard taped to the door, still too afraid to look at him, so I started talking to myself. If I got close enough to the old pizza box, would I be able to smell the cheese from it? How long ago did they have this pizza? Did cardboard that thin hold any kind of soundproofing qualities? My stomach bottomed out, and my eyes grew wide because I suddenly realized that anyone outside could hear us.
“Do you ever listen, Madison?” Anger dripped from his tone, and I couldn’t figure out why he wanted to add to my torture. I just wanted to go and cry in a corner, but he wasn’t going to let me do that, was he? “Turn around.”
The command sent the tiniest of sparks through my spine because even though I knew there was no hope for us, my body couldn’t help but respond to his growl. It was just so hot.
I dropped my back onto the wood and stared at Dash’s wide chest. He was breathing heavily, and his arm was still on the door, caging me in.
“Look at me, Madison.”
“I don’t want to.” I sniffled, knowing I sounded pathetic, but I couldn’t help it. I felt like I was fifteen again with no chest and braces, trying to getthe attention of my brother’s best friend, knowing deep down that it would never happen.
With his hand still against the wood, he used his other to tip my chin up. When I finally looked at him, a single tear rolled down my cheek, and I bit my lip, hoping the pain would stop the heartache of him crushing my soul when he rejected me.
Dash watched the tear trickle down my face and cupped my cheek, wiping it away with his thumb. He stared at me for what felt like hours, but it was probably only a few seconds. Either way, I was in agony.
“I’m sorry, Dash.”
“Do you ever stop talking?”
“Not when—”
Then something wholly unexpected happened.
Dash kissed me.
I repeat, Dash kissed me.
Not like a friendly goodbye peck, either. It was a full-on, angry kiss. Almost like he was letting his frustration out on me. It felt like I’d been struck by lightning because my body had never been so shocked. His arm was looming over me, balancing against the door as his large hand cupped my cheek, holding me in place while his lips crashed against mine.
Obviously, I didn’t let this opportunity go to waste. Pushing myself onto my tiptoes, I threaded my hands through his hair and pulled a little. He groaned into our kiss, urging me to open up for him.
I wanted to giggle with excitement, but that was hard to do when Dash’s tongue was pushing into my mouth. The tingling feeling it sent to my core made me dizzy, and I felt like I might burst when his tongue flicked against mine. Would it feel like that if he was licking me down there? I was getting ahead of myself, but how could I not? Dash Bridges was kissing me like I was his only oxygen.