Page 54 of The Draft
He nodded, taking it all in for a second. “I guess you’re right.”
“I know I’m right. Wait it out. If any more weird things happen, then maybe you should speak to Cade, but until then, there’s no point putting yourself in the firing line for no reason.”
“Yeah. You’re right. Thanks, man.”
“Anytime. Now, I’ve got to get something in the dorm before practice. I’ll catch you later?”
Alex waved me off, and I started jogging to the dorm for no other reason than I needed to let off some steam. Madison fondled my friend’s dick, and it was making me rage in ways I couldn’t describe. Was this how it was going to be with us from now on? Madison flirting with every teammate while I had to sit on the side and watch? It was more than I could handle and making it hard to think straight.
Dash: What the hell was that?
I texted her. There was nothing else I could do because she needed to know that there had to be limits. I had no idea how she was able to function after last night, but I didn’t like how things were playing out.
Madison: Not sure what you’re talking about, Big Man. I was justhaving a little fun.
Dash: By playing with Alex’s dick?
Madison: What are you talking about? The only dick I’ve played with is yours, and let’s be honest. I didn’t get the opportunity to play with anything. I didn’t even see it.
She had no idea what I was talking about. My shoulders relaxed, and I blew out the breath that I’d been holding.
Dash: Sorry to tell you, but you may have molested Alex at lunch. That was his thigh you were playing with at the end, not mine.
Madison: *Skull Emoji* *Skull Emoji* *Skull Emoji*
She didn’t send another message for over a minute, so I sent her one.
Dash: Now the guy thinks you’re in love with him, and your first date is going to be at Cade’s birthday.
Madison: Maybe I am.
Dash: I know you’re not.
Madison: What should I wear? Do you think one of those inflatable dinosaur suits is too much? Might not show off my curves on our date.
Dash: You’re not going on a date with Alex.
Madison: Aw, Big Man. You’re not jealous, are you? Don’t worry, your eggplant is still the only one I’ve experimented any recipes on.
Dash: I’m going to block you soon if you keep sending me messages like that.
Madison: You’re no fun.
Dash: And you’re driving me insane.
Madison: By the way, have you figured out why you came and man-handled me in the computer science department yet? You told me you had something to tell me but forgot. Had any epiphanies since?
I shook my head because she was calling me out. She knew what I didn’t want to admit to myself. What I still wouldn’t admit to myself, because ifI did, what would that say about me? I came to tell her about Henry. I left fuming about her flirting with Alex, and I’m walking around with a boner that I can’t get rid of because I can’t touch her.
Without answering, I stuffed my phone in my jeans, grumbling when I couldn’t shove it down far enough. That was another stupid thing I did today. Jeans and hair gel. I dressed up to tell Madison that her ex joined Covey U, because even though I was supposed to be telling her about him, I wanted her thinking about me. I wanted her to beg me for another round. I was holding myself back, yet she seemed completely fine with our arrangement.
This entire thing was a monumental fuckup, and the only thing I could do to tame any of my guilt or stop thinking about her was to go cold turkey. If I stopped talking to her, then maybe there’d be a chance that my dick wouldn’t get hard at the mere thought of her.
Maybe letting her move on would be the best course of action. Then maybe she’d stop teasing me, and we could go back to the way things were before we had sex.
Fat chance of that happening.