Page 67 of The Draft
What was Adam so scared of? He acted like it was wrong of me to poke the proverbial bear. As though Dash would do something crazy, but what was the worst that could happen? He was on the ice, and we were out here. It wasn’t like he was going to break through the plexiglass to get to me. He couldn’t without making a scene and outing us to my brother, breaking thepinkie promise.
No. He was going to have to watch and see how it felt when he thought I’d apparently moved on from him.
Licking my lips, I relaxed into my seat and smiled because it wasn’t going to be long until Dash noticed me here.
Chapter 17
Gripping my stick, I watched the puck intently as it moved from player to player. We were two minutes into the second period, and I’d barely had to defend the goal because my team was on the attack today. Scotty and Erik had scored twice already, making this a potentially easy win if I could continue to keep any of Brighton U’s attempts out.
But just as Erik passed the puck to Scotty, a Brighton U player intercepted it and skated toward me with ease, knocking off Cade and Brooks on his way.
I was up. Squatting into position, watching the puck closely, ready to stop any goal attempt.
As it was passed from player to player, I lost my focus when Cade bashed one of the opposing team against the boards. The boards right above…wait a minute.
What the fuck was she doing here?
I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw in anger because they just scored. I took my eye off the puck for one second, and it ended up in the back ofmy net.
Grumbling, that wasn’t even the thing annoying me most.
“Dude, what happened?” Scotty asked, but I wasn’t concentrating enough to answer. I was furious, and ready to break the plexiglass to get into the crowd.
That was all I could hear in my brain, blaring like it was being shouted through a megaphone because what the fuck was Madison doing here with Adam Hartley?
Scotty gave me a push, forcing me to look at him. When I did, he pointed in Madison’s direction with his stick. “Is this about Baby Bright and the fact she’s got a new boyfriend?” He yelled loud enough that if Cade was near us, he would have heard it.
Something emanated from my chest. Something I couldn’t stop, and something that sounded a lot like an overprotective growl. Madison was not dating Adam.
Madison was mine.
Sure, the guy had been sniffing around her since that stupid Draft event, but if he thought he could just take her, he was vastly mistaken.
“He’s not her boyfriend.” I was just as loud back, almost hoping Madison could hear it from her seat, but she wasn’t even looking at me. She didn’t care that I was down here, playing a game,losingthe game because she was here with someone else.
“Neither are you.”
Scotty’s words should have been the dose of reality I needed to get my head back in the game, but it wasn’t working. Not today. Not after everything. After the way she acted at the football game, I genuinely thought she was bluffing about her friendship with Adam. But here she was, rubbing it in my face.
I pushed my face mask up because I wanted a better look at her.
Madison was smiling, laughing at something Adam said. I kept staring, unable to stop myself from watching her. It was like a car crash and worse than before. When our eyes connected, she froze, and that pretty smile of hers dropped. I stared at her for longer than necessary, trying to prove a point. What that point was, I wasn’t sure yet, but I was definitely makingit.
Scotty shoved me. “Dude. You’re making it obvious.”
He skated away, but I couldn’t stop myself. I was still staring at her, trying to convey a message that I hoped she’d be able to interpret. Oh, what a dangerous line she was walking with her choice of companion.
Madison eased into her seat, smirking as she smiled at Adam. She knew she was getting to me, and I was powerless to stop her from doing anything. When she looked over her shoulder to her other side, I frowned because she was smiling at Aiden.
When did he get here?
Was she here withbothof them?
A football sandwich. Wasn’t that what she said she wanted before? I swallowed down my anger because all I could think about was them having a threesome after the game in Aiden’s infamous soundproof bedroom.