Page 83 of The Draft
“The equipment closet if you want to be nitpicky about it.”
“And he claims he wants to take you out again just to make sure you’re feeling each other? It sounds like you’ve felt a lot of each other already.”
We may have been on the phone, but I could hear my cousin’s disbeliefloud and clear. I wasn’t expecting her to roll around on the floor and start dancing over the news about Dash and me, but I was expecting a lot more than this. Tiff couldn’t hide the bitterness, not that she tried very hard. She had guy issues—that much was for sure—but that sometimes clouded her judgment.
I wanted to say just that, but Ella shrieked so loudly that I had to pull the phone away from my ear. “Be right back,” Tiff said, and I rounded the corner, heading to the library while I waited for her.
“Okay,” she breathed out. “I’m here.”
“Um, who possessed Ella this morning? She’s normally a sweet little princess. I’ve never heard her shriek like that.”
Tiff sighed, and I could only imagine how she looked right now. Her hair was probably a mess, and I had no doubt that she hadn’t slept in days. My once fun-loving and vibrant cousin had been drained like a used battery because of her one-year-old, which made me feel awful for sharing my drama. Yes, finally getting my biggest crush to notice me was huge, but in the grand scheme of things, it didn’t really matter, and paled in comparison to her issues. But Tiff was always willing to listen because she said it made her feel like we were back in high school, and her life hadn’t changed as much.
“I have no idea. She’s just constantly shrieking. I’ve tried everything. The doctor says she’s probably teething, but it’s been months and there are no teeth coming in. How is that even possible?”
“I’m sorry. I know less about babies than I do football, and that’s nothing, so I think you’re asking the wrong person.” It sucked. I wanted to help her through this just like she’d been helping me, but I didn’t know how. Not when I was across the country and couldn’t just offer to take over for her at any point.
“Yeah,” she exhaled. “I’ll figure it out. I always do.”
“I’ll keep praying for you, cuz.”
“Thanks.” I felt shitty flaunting the fact that I was going to our dream school while she was stuck in Indiana attending a community college because her cousin from her dad’s side offered to pay for her accommodation.
I cringed when I heard another shriek but waited patiently forTiff to calm her daughter again. I was the lucky one in all of this. I didn’t have to deal with sleepless nights and tantrum-filled days. Not to mention the shit her baby daddy was putting her through.
With my phone in one hand and a couple of books in the other, I continued walking to the library, patiently waiting for Tiff.
“Okay, I’m back again,” she said, sounding somewhat relieved.
“All good?”
“Yup,Baby Sharkis back on. Now, tell me before Ella has another meltdown. If you’re not in a relationship with Dash, are you fudge bunnies or something?”
“Fudge bunnies?” I questioned but then shook my head, remembering the child in the room and that she meant fuck buddies. “No. Definitely not fudge bunnies.” Although I wouldn’t say no to another orgasm.
“You sure? Because what you’ve described sounds really casual, and you’re the least casual person I know. You pretty much saved yourself for him, and now you’re happy to just sit back and have spontaneous sex until he deems you worthy enough to tell your brother?”
“He’s my brother’s best friend. He wants to make sure that we’re in it for the long haul before he tells Cade and potentially screws up their relationship.”
“Don’t you think that by not telling him, you’re guaranteeing that outcome?”
I contemplated that for a minute.
“Look, I’m not trying to yuck your yum. I just want to remind you what happened last time Cade found out you were fooling around with his teammate in high school. What was that guy’s name again? Dirtbag Von Trash?”
“Henry, and that situation doesn’t count. Things were completely different. You know, I saw him the other day. He transferred here and apologized. Two years too late, but I think it helped.”
“Yeah. Who knows, we could end up friends.”
“So, you’re just casual Maddie now? Guys can walk all over you, take what they want, and you don’t mind?”
“The two situations bear no resemblance.”
“You sure? Because from here, they sound almost identical. Secret relationship. Brother’s teammate. I’m not trying to put a damper on things; I’m just being realistic.”
“I know. I get it, and that’s why I need you in my life. You’re my reality check, but Dash isn’t Henry.”