Page 95 of The Draft
Surprising. That orgasm must have knocked her out cold. Maybe I could somehow subtly sneak away from the guys later and give her another one. That would definitely help my mood.
Just as I was about to type out a message to her, I noticed Scotty making his way to me, so I dropped my phone and started taking my gear off.
“How you doing, Sasquatch?”
I rolled my eyes and grumbled out something so incoherent, even I didn’t know what it was.
“Uh oh. Angry Dash is back. Are you annoyed about not playing, or did you have a fight with Baby B?”
“Neither,” I said, pulling off my gloves and putting them back in my bag.
“Then why do you look so angry?”
“I’m just tired. That’s all.”
“Well, I just came over here because I wanted to warn you.”
He glanced over his shoulder and then leaned down so he could talk to me. “Rumors are starting to spread.”
Scotty gave me no other explanation except a glare, and I knew exactly what it meant. There were rumors about Madison.
“Who’s talking?” I asked gruffer than I intended. Had Henry played me just now? Was he the one starting those rumors?
Scotty shrugged, taking his gloves off casually so he didn’t draw attention. “After Alex’s little show on the plane the other day, people have started talking about Madison and who she might be dating.”
“In the context of Alex, why is that a problem?”
Scotty rolled his eyes. “Because Erik mentioned the other day that the only time they see her now is when it’s with you.”
I paused, knowing that I was getting in too deep. People were getting suspicious, and eventually someone was going to tell Cade. But could I hold out for one more day just so I could take Madison on that date?
“Cade seems to be immune to any suggestion, though. When someone asks him about it, he plays it off like you and Madison hanging out isn’t a big deal.”
“That’s because he doesn’t think it is.” Scotty raised a brow in question, and I rolled my eyes, feeling stupid for having to mention this. “It’s because he thinks I’m dating Sienna, and a couple of weeks ago he asked me if I’d talk to Madison and find out why she was acting so strange.”
“Wait a minute. Are you telling me that Cade thinks you’re spending time with his sister tohelphim, but you’re actually sleeping with her?”
“Dude, no one can hear me over the cheering going on over there.”
He had a point. The rest of the team were either in the showers or still out on the ice, celebrating our performance because we were now seven wins away from qualifying for the Frozen Four.
“Don’t say anything to Cade. I’m going to speak to him.”
Scotty laughed sarcastically. “Believe me, I won’t.” Clasping my shoulder, he looked at me seriously. “But for your own sake, you need to tell Cade. Screwing with his sister when he thinks you’re helping him is a new level of betrayal. You get how bad that is, right?”
I paused, trying to think of something that would make it sound better than it did. “He didn’t unintentionally bring us together. He asked me to help him after things had already progressed with Madison.”
Scotty blew out a sarcastic whistle and chuckled. “This gets better and better every time I speak to you, I swear. So, what you’re telling me is that he asked you to help him find out what guy she was dating, and you’re just avoiding the answer while sleeping with her?” I blinked and gave him theslightest of nods as my response. “This is going to blow up in your face so badly, and I want to be there when it does.”
“It won’t be that bad.”
“If you say so.”