Page 11 of The Plus-One Deal

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Page 11 of The Plus-One Deal

“I’ve been hearing about this Timeless app for such a long time, but I said to Ken — she can talk the talk, but what’s she like as a person? Can she walk the walk? Can she stick with something and see it through all the way? I don’t partner with anyone who can’t stick it out. Who we are in life is who we are in business, so, yeah, whereisClaire? I can’t wait to meet her.”

I cast about, trying to come up with a response. How could I tell Verity that Claire and I were just friends without undermining Claire’s chance at a deal? A solid twelve-year friendship should still count for something, but what if it didn’t? What if I blew her shot?

“There she is,” cried Helen, and gestured up the beach.

I turned, arms open. “The love of my life!”

The lie came bursting out before I could stop it. Verity cooed. Claire’s eyes went round. She glanced at me, then at Verity, then she pulled me into a hug. She hissed low in my ear.

“What are you doing?”

“Trust me,” I whispered. “Follow my lead.”

Claire kicked me hard, but she pulled back smiling.

“Helen,” she said. “And Verity Halford. This must be your husband. A pleasure, ah, Ken?”

“That’s right.” They shook hands, and Claire and Verity hugged. Claire wasn’t the hugging type, but she pulled it off well. When she stepped back, her cheeks were glowing with color.

“You’ve been an inspiration to me, Verity. My first and my fiercest designer obsession. I saved three months in high school to get one of your scarves. The idea you were my age when you got started, barely sixteen with your first fashion show…”

Verity waved off her praise. “Lots of kids have talent. I got lucky, was all.”

“Maybe that first show, but you kept it going. You’re still going strong all these years later.”

“All what years, now? I’m not that old!” Verity laughed and Claire’s cheeks went pinker. “I was just telling your, ah… Partner? Fiancé?”

Claire took my arm. “My rock,” she said. Not quite a lie, but not a denial.

“I was just telling yourrock— ooh, I like that. I was just telling him I’ve had my eye on you too. What you’re doing with Timeless, stunning styles that last, that’s what we need in this world of fast fashion. The idea of garments as pieces to be treasured. Heirlooms, even, in some cases. Did you know I got married in my mom’s wedding dress?” Her eyes went all dreamy and she pressed her hand to her chest. “Oh, I had it let out and I dropped that high collar, but the shape, that lush fabric, that stayed the same. And it was so worth it for the look on her face. We were both crying, such a beautiful day…”

“That’s amazing,” said Claire. “What a lovely idea. Could that be what inspired your new line, the new and reclaimed fabrics all layered together?”

Verity grabbed Ken’s arm. “Oh, did you hear that? Didn’t I say she’s a smart one? It wasn’t thatexactly, but the same idea: mothers and daughters, family. Generations. Preserving the old while embracing the new.” She tipped Claire a wink. “Holding onto your gorgeous college sweetheart while you’re out here taking the fashion world by storm. You need the old for your anchor while you grab for the new. Otherwise, how are you going to stay grounded? You need to stay grounded, or you’ll float away.”

I felt Claire’s grip tighten, crushing my wrist, but her smile didn’t waver. Her voice didn’t crack.

“I couldn’t agree more,” she said. “People are so eager to toss out the old, but when we forget where we came from, we forget who we are.”

“So true, sotrue.” Verity grabbed Claire’s free hand, then she grabbed mine. She pumped them both up and down with vigorous gusto. “I’ve got some bids to put in on that silent auction. But why don’t the four of us grab dinner once this schmoozefest winds down? I’d love to hear more about what you’re doing with Timeless.”

“We’d love to,” said Claire, a little too loud. Her smile was too bright, frozen and strained. Verity didn’t seem to notice, and hugged her again.

“It’s been so great meeting you, and I’ll see you for dinner.” She drew away, waved, and flitted into the crowd. Her husband trailed after her, carrying her jacket.

“She’s sure got him trained,” I said.

Claire seized hold of my arm and marched back up the beach, wobbling as her heels sank into the sand. I kept pace with her easily, holding her when she stumbled, letting her drag me past the auction tables. She hustled us out through a side exit, into the hall.

“What the hell happened? What did youdo?”

I held up my hands. “Hold on, just listen. I think it was Helen.”

“Helen introduced me as the love of her life?”

“No, but she?—”

“No!Do you have any idea what you just did?” Claire dropped my arm and paced back and forth. “This deal could takemonthsto close. She thinks we’re together. What are we supposed to do now? I can’t just go out there and?—”

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