Page 39 of Two to Tango
Her eyes soften at that, they way mine probably did when she told me those powerful words.
“He wasn’t a good partner for you. You lost him, but you’ve still got me.” I swallow.
“You,” she repeats flatly.
“Are you gonna look me in the eyes and tell me we’re not good together?”
She opens her mouth to speak, but she shuts it just as quickly, looking stunned. What even possessed me to say that? My mouth has zero filters around her.
“Logan,” she begins, and the reaction to her saying my name is another sharp zing. “When I signed up for these lessons, I had another idea in mind. I didn’t mention it at first, but …” she trails off, looking like she’s unsure of what to say next. She steps side to side, restless and fidgety, and it’s got me curious.
“There’s a competition. One for the San Diego Tango Festival. Have you heard of it?”
Have I heard of it? Uh, yeah. I nod in response.
“Right. Of course you would have,” she mumbles. “Well, I want to do it.”
Shit. I did not expect it to go this way. My raised eyebrows might be showing that.
“I need a partner, and …” she shuts her eyes, like it must pain her to be asking for help like this. “Well, I was going to ask Ethan, but as you can see …” she waves her hand around the empty studio.
I can sense what’s coming, the impending question that I hope I’m reading wrong, but probably not.
“If you think we’re as good of partners as you say, would you be interested in doing this with me?” I might hear a tremor in her voice.
Howdid we get here?
“I …” I told myself I’d never go back to San Diego. I told myself I was done with it. “Why do you want to do that one specifically, if I may ask?”
“Personal reasons.”
That’s all I’m getting? I’m quiet for a moment as I try to figure out where to even take this conversation.
“Like I said, I was going to ask Ethan about this, but clearly that didn’t work out. If you don’t want—”
“I’ll do it,” I blurt.Fuck.
I almost instantly regret it. But then I look at her and I decide to stop fighting with myself. I decide, impulsively, to join in. She wants to do this, and, for reasons I’m trying to untangle myself, I can’t say no. So, something short of rash and ridiculous and probably fucking stupid, I’m going to do it with her.
“I’ll be your partner and we’ll compete together.” Fucking hell, if Tara could hear this now.
“Really?” she asks quietly, hopefully, then looks down at her shoes.
“This is important to you, and I want you to experience it, so why not?” That sounds reasonable.
“And we’ll keep doing the private classes?”
“Yeah. You and me. Fuck Ethan.” This gets a chuckle out of her. I’d join her if my chest didn’t feel so tight. “We’ll work on a routine and get you ready for San Diego.”
She takes a deep breath before she answers with a smile. “Alright.”
But that alright sets me on edge. That alright makes me feel more alive than I have in the past year. That alright sets mywhole entire heart in motion, like it’s waking up from one very deep slumber.
“Alright, Julie.”
And right when I think it’s the end of it, she keeps going.