Page 29 of Shadows of Rage
“Me fucking too.” Walking over towards B, I take his hand and guide him over to the couch on the other side of the basement. I push his shoulder, causing him to fall on his back on the cushion. Ripping my sweats down, I throw my leg over top of him so that I am straddling his face. He licks the fabric of my thong and I instantly feel myself melt. I look at Leighton and she nods her head in approval as she drags Carter to the other couch facing us. I look down to B and nod my head as well.
Pulling my thong to the side, I seat myself on Braxton’s mouth and he licks through my slit before pushing his tongue in. I let out a moan and throw my head back as he brings his hands up to grab my hips and hold me in place. I look over to see Leighton with her head thrown back against the couch and Carter’s hand in her pants as he fingers her. There is nothing but moans and panting for what feels like an hour as everythingelse fades away. I near the brim of an orgasm at the same time Leighton does and our moans become one rhythmic song as we are both pulled over the edge. We sit in silence for a minute, catching our breath and coming down from the orgasms.
Standing from the couch, I readjust myself and help Braxton to sit upright as we all begin to laugh. Definitely not the type of experience any of us are used to. I pull my pants back on and kiss B, making sure to suck his tongue into my mouth.
“We will just have to finish the rest of that in private,” I say as I make my way over to my father’s unmoving body. Grabbing the chunks of flesh that Braxton left off to the side, I start making my way upstairs. “Sorry daddy dearest! B, can you text someone and have them come take out the trash, please?”
Getting up the stairs, I go to Rage’s enclosure and drop the meat inside along with a pinkie from the cage I keep next to hers. I stand by it for a few minutes just watching her devour the fresh kills. She's a lethal little thing. Braxton’s arms wrap around my waist and I lean back into his chest.
Life is good.
Ihave never participated in more fucked up shit in my life…but it was hot. The girls completely dominated Brax and I with no warning. Sexiest shit ever.
We go up to shower one at a time as the rest wait outside to avoid getting blood all over the house. Tristan and his men came and cleaned up the body, making sure the entire house was spotless with absolutely no trace of Clarence Rossi.
Once everyone is showered, we spend time trying to figure out what we want to do with the rest of the night. Dani quit her job so she could start her own business, Brax called to check in on the club, Lei talked to her dad about us potentially going on a trip, and I just sat there taking in each conversation. I guess you could say it’s been a pretty eventful day. I’m pulled from my thoughts as my phone rings in my pocket.
“Guess it’s my turn, I’ll be right back,” I say before heading into the house. I look at my phone and see that it’s my cousin, Vinny. I hit the accept button and hold the phone to my ear.
“Yo Vin, what’s up?” I listen to him speak and he tells me about a party tomorrow night. It’s Halloween so it’s a costumeparty. He gives me all of the details and I hang up the phone and head back outside to tell everyone.
“Costume party tomorrow at the warehouse, who’s in? Best fucking time of the year!” Excitement rushes through me at the thought.
Immediately they all agree in unison and we start talking about the costumes we’ll wear. Dani and Lei go on a long spiel about how they can’t wear the same costumes as they did for The Pursuit while Brax and I try to give them every option under the sun. After what felt like hours, they both finally settle on what they will be...And us. Leighton decides we're going to be Harley Quinn and Joker since she has an obsession with Harley. Dani decides the two of them are going as skeletons because she wants towear cool contacts…whatever that means. We spend the rest of the night drinking and just having an all around good time together. I never thought I'd have more than Brax, but now I'm surrounded by great people.
Waking up in the morning in the spare bedroom, Lei is spread out like starfish with an arm across my throat. Who would've thought such a delicate person could sleep like such a damn maniac. I try to slide out from under her but her being the light sleeper she is, her eyes instantly open. The brown of her tired eyes shines brightly as the sun hits her iris at the perfect angle. She squints and crawls up my body, laying her head on my chest.
“Good morning, Sweet Boy. The sun is way too fucking bright.” She tucks her face into the crook of my neck and I rub light circles on her back. “When can we go shopping? I’m going to need a whole new outfit for tonight obviously. Mafia heiresshas its perks.” She chuckles and sits up, straddling my waist and leaning down to kiss me softly.
“We can go whenever you want, Sunshine. We should probably see if the other shits are awake.” Nodding her head in agreement, she climbs off of me and puts her shirt and shorts back on. I roll out of bed and throw her over my shoulder as she giggles. I walk down the stairs to the delightful scent of bacon before I hear the sizzle of it cooking. Walking into the kitchen, I gently place Lei down on the stool at the island and make my way to the fridge, slapping Braxton’s ass on the way and giving Dani a quick kiss on the back of her head.
“Morning, fuckers. Lei is already itching for some shopping and you two have no choice but to go with.” They both laugh and let out a ‘yeah, yeah’as they continue making breakfast. Bacon, pancakes, sausage, coffee… What more could I ask for? Grabbing water from the fridge, I hand Lei a bottle then go in the cabinet and grab some plates. Once the cooking is done, Dani loads up the plates for everyone and places them in front of us. I, of course, instantly dive right in. Dani and Brax make a killer breakfast every time.
“So where did you want to go, Lei? Anywhere in particular?” Dani looks at my girl and waits for a response as Lei thinks on it.
“I think the mall will suffice. They always have a good selection in some of the boutiques. I really want to find a Harley-esque shirt. OH. And probably a makeup store of some sort because we're all going to need face paint. I could use something to color my hair too...We might need to go to a few places now that I think of it.” She always plans her shopping trips out so she can be sure she gets to everywhere she wants to. She is, by far, the most organized and punctual person I have ever met. The rest of us just follow along for the ride regardless of where it is that we’re going.
After everyone is done eating, we all head upstairs to get dressed. Thankfully we brought extra clothes, assuming we would be doing something today. Leighton looks beautiful as usual in her sweatpants and crop top. She paired the ‘fit with high top Nikes and it makes my cock twitch. No matter what she wears or what she does, I can never get enough of this little ray of Sunshine.
An hour later, we’re all trailing behind Lei at the mall like lost puppies. None of us care what we wear and we let Leighton decide because it makes her happy. The only thing Dani cared about was getting white contacts. She already scares me enough some days, I don't know why she wants to be more intimidating.Definitely would not recommend fucking with her.
We FINALLY get to the food court so I can get my well deserved cinnamon sugar pretzel with icing. That shit is delicious. Brax gets a burger, Dani gets a chicken sandwich, and Lei gets a salad because when doesn’t she. I love my little health nut, she keeps me in check but lets me splurge on occasion.
After what feels like hours, we split up and start getting ready for the night. The process is excruciating. I can’t sit this damn long for makeup. The paint is making my face itch but I'm not allowed to touch it. Shit, the things we do for the ones we love!
“There! All done! You look perfect!” Lei pats my head and I get up to go look in the mirror. My face is white – like stark white. And my hair is green...This is a new vibe. Damn, I look good as The Joker. It takes a solid four hours of makeup, hair, and outfit changes before everything is acceptable. As long as it took, I’m happy that she’s happy. And she looks fucking adorable with pigtails.
Shooting a text to Brax, I let him know we’re ready to go.
Me: We’re ready to go. We can come pick you up if you want! XOXO.
Brax: Yeah sure that works. Dani just needs her dagger and we’re good to go.
Me: How scary are the contacts? Do I even wanna know?