Page 13 of Rescued Love
“That’s probably one of the boys,” Grandpa mutters before getting up from the table and heading toward the front door with a smile on his face.
“The boys?”
I follow behind him closely and am surprised when two guys climb out of the truck that has pulled up in front of the house. They’re grinning at each other and it’s not hard to see thatthey’re good friends with the joking vibe they’re giving off.
“Yeah,” Grandpa glances at me as he answers my question and grabs the door handle, “come on out and I’ll introduce you.”
I want to ask so many more questions, but he’s already out the door and heading down the porch steps before I get the chance. The guys turn when they hear him and greet him with big smiles and waves. I grip my mug a little tighter as I head outside.
“Nathan,” Grandpa calls out to me as I approach. “This is Ansel and Dixon. Ansel is a paramedic, and Dixon works at The Goose. They come out as often as they can to help me around here. They’re good boys.”
I give the guys a nod in greeting, and I swear they both blush a little with my grandpa’s praise. Considering they’ve gotten the okay from him, a bit of the tension I’m holding ebbs, and my shoulders relax.
“Nice to meet you both.” My curiosity gets the better of me and I ask, “How often do you come out and help Grandpa?”
Ansel flashes a smile toward Grandpa before turning back to me. “It’s good to meet you, man.” He nods toward Dixon and shares, “We come out as often as we can. My schedule can be a little wild, but I try to get out at least once a week. Dixon works mostly nights at The Goose, but we try and come together since it makes the work go faster when there’s two of us.”
I look between both guys and Grandpa before asking, “What’s The Goose?”
“It’s a restaurant and bar in town,” Grandpa informs me.
“We have the best burgers in the state,” Dixon quips. He shares a look with Ansel and adds on, “Just ask the boss man, Maverick.”
Ansel rolls his eyes and leans closer to me slightly like he’s telling me a secret, “Maverick does love to say it like it is the God’s honest truth.”
I make a humming sound before offering, “Thanks for helping out.”
Dixon chuckles and shrugs like it’s no big deal. “We like coming out to give a hand. The animals are cool, except for Salt. That alpaca hates me.”
I bark out a laugh. “I’ve been thinking the same thing,” I admit. “I’m almost afraid to go to sleep because I’m positive Salt is trying to figure out how to reach me in the house.”
“Salt couldn’t hurt a fly,” Grandpa insists.
It’s the same thing he’s said since the moment I expressed my fear about Salt being out to get me. I don’t believe it at all. All the animals love Grandpa, but that doesn’t mean they love everyone. The memory of how Kimball eyed Penny like she was expecting the bird to take her to the ground at any moment.
“You keep saying that, Mr. Jacobson, but I’m not so sure,” Dixon teases Grandpa.
We share a look that says just what we both think about his assertion. Yeah, Grandpa is blowing smoke up our asses.
Ansel asks, “What do you need us to do today, Mr. Jacobson?”
Grandpa sighs and shakes his head slightly. “How many times have I told you to call me Calvin?”
“No can do,” Ansel argues. “My mom would have my ass,” his tone is laced with amusement, but there’s an edge of seriousness as well.
“I’m going to put my mug down and then I’ll help you guys with whatever Grandpa has in store for us today,” I let everyone know before heading back inside.
Ansel and Dixon showing up has me wondering if they’re the only people from town who come out to help. My gut sinks when I consider that maybe Kimball was telling the truth.
She told me she was there to help, but I would barely let her get a word in as I hurled accusations her way.
What if I was wrong?
After heading inside, rinsing out my mug, and slipping on a better pair of shoes, I join the guys as they give Grandpa a quick wave and head toward the barn. I made sure the animals were fed this morning, a twinge in my back reminding me of the work I’ve already put in.