Page 29 of Rescued Love
“Yeah,” I rasp.
Her eyes are glazed over and she’s looking up at me in a way that makes me feel like a damn king. It’s a heady feeling. One I want to hold onto for as long as I can.
Before she can shake herself out of the fog, I murmur, “Are you almost done for the day? I’d really like to spend some time with you. We could go get some food or,” I trail off slightly before shrugging my shoulders, self-consciousness seeping in, “something. I’m not sure what there is to do around here and what you’d like to do, but I’m good with whatever.”
That damn blush is back, and I have to tighten my muscles to stop myself from crushing her smaller frame against mine. I want her, but I get the feeling she’s not ready for that.
Not yet at least.
I also don’t want to move too fast or for her to feel like all I’m interested in is a hook-up.
Hell, it’s been so damn long since I’ve even had that.
But, no, Kimball is the kind of woman you plan forever around. She’s the type of woman you fight to keep.
I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep her considering this isn’t my home, but I certainly want to see where this goes. I need to do it.
The thought of walking away and not spending time with her has my stomach churning while sweat coats my forehead. No, that won’t do at all.
“You want to spend time with me?” The hopeful note in her voice has my heart pounding in my chest.
Is it possible she wants me just as much as I want her? I’m almost afraid to believe it.
“Of course,” my voice is husky and her brown eyes shimmer with want which has me tightening my grip on her elbow just a little in the effort to hold myself back.
“Well,” she bites her lip and looks up at me from underneath her lashes, “I was just planning on going home tonight and cooking dinner.” She glances away, her voice dropping a little, “With Hailey and Wesley getting together, I’m usually left fending for myself now.”
Rage, pure fucking rage, flows through me. “She ditched you? You seemed tight the other night,” I grit the words out through my teeth.
Kimball’s eyes widen almost comically as she starts to shake her head back and forth. “She didn’t ditch me,” she snaps. “It’s not like that at all. I’m happy for my friend. She deserves all the happiness in the world and Wesley gives that to her. If that means I don’t get to spend as much time with her, then I’m okay with it.” She waves her free hand dismissively. “The beginning of the school year is always a little hectic with her anyway. I’m used to it.”
I eye her skeptically but decide it’s better to let it go. So that’s what I do.
“Do you think,” I pause, unsure if I should ask what is on the tip of my tongue, but the curiosity written on her face gives me a boost of courage to keep going, “I could come over and we could hang out?” Her mouth falls open as she gawks at me and I blurt, “If you’re not comfortable with it then I totally understand. It’s probably inappropriate for me to even ask something like that. It’s just that I don’t want to change your plans and I’m sure you’re tired after working all day. When I leave the office and go home, I’m wiped out and only want to face plant in my bed in the hopes of being ready to do it all again the next day.”
I’m rambling.
It’s official.
I don’t think I’ve ever rambled like this in my life. Normally I’m cool and calm under pressure, but there’s something about Kimball which sets everything off kilter inside of me. I don’t understand why, but I’m far past caring.
Kimbal doesn’t seem to mind my overshare. At least I’m pretty sure doesn’t mind considering a huge smile is gracing her face.
Fuck. She glows when she smiles.
And she has no idea how truly magnificent she is.
The more time I spend around her, the harder my dick becomes. At this point, it’s painful and I’m almost a little concerned about my reaction to her. It’s so damn strong and I don’t want to scare her off.
I feel like I’m teetering on the edge as I wait for her reply. She could send my heart soaring, or she could have me hitting the ground and shattering. I can’t fault her either way.
There’s no reason for her to trust me. I was a complete asshole to her. Sure, I’ve shown up and apologized, but that doesn’t mean she has to let me in any farther.
What she doesn’t know is that I won’t be giving up. She can keep me at a distance now, but I’m going to keep showing up. I’m going to keep pushing.
I won’t be able to stop myself.