Page 58 of Rescued Love
She shakes her head where she’s buried it in the crook of my neck. Her voice is so broken, “No. I was called in hours after the bust when they realized that there were more dogs than they could handle taking care of. Some of the ones I took will go straight to Doc to be put down.” She swallows hard, her voice watery, “They’re too far gone and can’t be saved.”
I clutch her against my chest, trying to absorb as much of her pain as I can.
“I’m sorry I let you down.”
Her hand slides up my chest and around my neck until her fingers curl around my nape. “I’m not mad at you. I’m a little hurt, but I also understand why you were concerned. I wasn’t even thinking about Rhodes,” I stiffen when she uses his name, instantly jealous, which causes her to chuckle softly, “being there. I just wanted to see you.”
“Fuck,” I breathe out, the weight of her wanting to see me to seek comfort soothes me while also making me feel even worse.
“It’s okay. You didn’t yell. You didn’t lob accusations at me. You waited, you listened, and now you’re giving me exactly what I need.”
“Kitten,” I choke out, unable to handle her understanding, when I struggled to give her the same. “I don’t deserve you, but I’ll do my best to show you how much I value you. All of you.”
“I know,” she whispers and melts against me.
I’ll stay right here and hold her for as long as she needs. Then I’ll take her home and care for her, letting her shut off her mind to the horrors she had to witness today. She’s going to need her strength because those animals need her at her best.
I sigh as I lean against the bar at The Goose. Yesterday was a long ass day, the only bright spot being when I went to see Nathan at the sanctuary. Seeing all those animals hurt, some of which I didn’t even see since they had already been taken by the Monroe County Animal Rescue, but I saw more than enough.
When we were leaving, I let the van go ahead, knowing Doc would meet the animals at the rescue and that my staff knew what to do. My heart was aching too hard, and I knew I wouldn’t be any help to the animals in that state.
All I wanted was Nathan.
Rhodes must have seen the look on my face because he stopped me with a gentle hand on my arm, his voice soft and filled with understanding, “Are you okay?”
“No,” I croaked. I shook my head as tears filled my eyes. “How can people do that to animals? For money? Because they can?” I pressed the heels of my hands against my eyes and murmured, “I just don’t get it.”
“There is evil in this world,” his voice held sadness as he voiced a truth that we both knew.
I dropped my hands and looked up at the sky, hoping forpeace in the blue expanse dotted with clouds that hung over everyone’s head regardless of the path they chose. “I want to see Nathan.” I looked at Rhodes and he was giving me a soft smile. “I know I should go back to the rescue, but I just need,” I paused, trying to find the right word and settling with, “a moment of peace.”
He nodded solemnly and nodded toward my truck and walking me toward it. “So,” he started, a gentle teasing tone in his voice, “the rumors are true? About you and Mr. Jacobson’s grandson.”
I felt my face heat as I nodded. “They’re true.”
“Good.” When I looked up at him in surprise he grinned softly. “You deserve happiness, Kimball. You give so much. A lot of us have wondered when it would be time for someone to give to you, to make you happy, and to support you in order for you to be able to keep going.”
He winked at me once I was safely inside my truck before striding to his vehicle and I knew he would follow me just in case. His words and the happiness he had in his eyes, for me, stuck with me the entire drive.
I didn’t even think about how it would look for the Sheriff to arrive with me at Mr. Jacobson’s place. I should have.
The wariness in Nathan’s eyes was like a punch to the gut, but I also understood it. I was just glad he didn’t immediately start hurling accusations at me. I don’t think I would have handled that well at all.
When everything was explained, he didn’t hesitate to wrap me up in his arms and give me the comfort I so desperately needed. I’m so damn glad he did. I meant what I said to him, I didn’tblame him for not being able to read a situation he didn’t have all the information about.
Or maybe I’m just a pushover.
Maybe I’m okay with that. At least when it comes to this.
After Nathan held me for a while, the desire that I always feel when I’m near him started to creep in. Our bodies were pressed against each other and the warmth of him, which was comforting, started to turn me on.
Nathan must have sensed it because one moment he was touching me with gentle, soothing hands, and the next he was gripping my hips. The way his fingers tightened as I felt his cock hardening underneath me told me that his thoughts were just as carnal as mine.
“I need you,” I moaned.