Page 62 of Rescued Love
He kisses me like he’s missed me. He kisses me like he needs me to breathe. He kisses me like he’s never letting me go.
And I kiss him back the exact same way.
I’m both baffled and beyond pissed right now. Marcus showing up, unannounced and I’m sure without the backing of the firm, has me seeing red. I have so many questions, but I knew he wouldn’t answer a single one without lying. That’s just the kind of guy he is.
When I walked into the bar to find him chatting up my girl, I have never wanted to deck someone more than I did in that moment. It was obvious the guy tending bar was watching out for her, and my girl was handling things just fine, but I still didn’t like it.
The way Marcus was eyeing Kimball made me want to hurl. I can’t imagine how it made her feel.
Rhodes walking up, with his badge on display, to help get the interloper out was fucking amazing. I give him a chin lift which he returns before heading out the front door after Marcus. I don’t doubt that he’ll be making sure the piece of shit leaves town.
Feeling like people have my back isn’t something I’m used to, but it feels really fucking good. Even if I didn’t meet Kimball and fall head over heels for her, the feeling of not being alone anymore would be reason enough to stick around.
When I look down at my woman, she’s staring at me with her gaze filled with lust and something deeper. It makes my skin feel like it’s too tight. The words that I’m desperate to shout from the rooftops are right there on the tip of my tongue.
The only reason I swallow them down is because I’m not sure if she’s ready for them yet. When I know she is, there’s nothing that’ll stop me from telling her exactly how I feel.
“Hey man,” one of the men behind the bar pulls my attention his way to find his hand extended across the bar top, “we haven’t had the chance to meet yet. I’m Maverick.” He nods toward the guy standing next to him. “This is Clint.”
“Thank you for having my woman’s back,” I thank them sincerely as I shake their hands. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard about you guys and know that this is your place, but when we’ve been in before you weren’t behind the bar.”
Kimball snorts, pulling my attention toward her. She juts her chin toward a table of women, which now includes Hailey who was coming in at the same time I was. I’m glad she was out of the fray and wasn’t close enough to attract attention from Marcus. I don’t need Wesley coming after my ass by association.
“Their wives are over there having a girl’s night,” Kimball fills me in.
“Oh,” I shoot the guys a knowing look, “you’re watching over them?”
Kimball giggles and snarks, “I’m sure they love it too.”
Maverick crosses his arms across his chest and shoots my woman a look, but there’s no real heat behind it. “They do love it.”
Before Kimball can retort, one of the women from the table who has approached us, puts her hand on Kimball’s arm. Her brown eyes are full of concern as she looks at my woman. “Are you okay? That guy was sleazy as fuck.”
I bark out a laugh, unable to help myself. When she looks at me, there’s approval in her eyes along with amusement. I’m not sure why her approval holds weight with me considering I’ve never met her before, but it does.
“I’m good, Lark,” Kimball promises. She turns to me and fills me in. “Lark is Maverick’s wife. She’s a newer addition to the town. Her sister, Poppy, moved here after her and met her man, Nash, who coaches the high school football team.” She leans back against me with a big smile on her face as she looks at Lark whose cheeks pink slightly. “She’s also an amazing romance author, a mother of three humans and one labrador who was adopted from the shelter.”
“Wow,” Lark teases my woman with a smile on her face, “that was quite a thorough introduction.” Her focus comes to me, and I feel the truth in her words, “It’s nice to finally meet you. There’s some adjustment moving to a small town, one of which being the rumors that go around, but the people here will have your back.”
“I’m seeing that,” I admit.
Lark smiles softly before looking at Kimball. “I was going to come over and see if you were okay, but I saw my husband was on the case and he would have probably-,” she stops herself midsentence and presses her lips together.
Maverick’s chuckle is a little dark as he finishes for her, “I would have spanked your luscious ass. Is that what you were going to say,wife?”
“No,” she sasses while giving him the side-eye, “I was not going to say something so crass.” She touches her neck as if she’s clutching her imaginary pearls even though her eyes dance with amusement. “I’m a lady.”
Maverick grins and holds his hands up. “I’m just saying if you were going to say that then you would have been correct.”
“Well,” she says a little too loudly, “that’s my cue. If you want to join us,” she addresses Kimball, “even with your man, please do.”
Lark gives my woman’s shoulder a squeeze before walking away. When I look at Maverick, his eyes are locked on his wife and it’s clear how much he loves her from that look alone. It’s a look I recognize.
Maverick looks at me, smirks, and gives me a nod. “It was good meeting you, man. I hope you stick around because our little rescuer here,” he tilts his head towards Kimball, “deserves to be happy.” He claps his hands before rubbing them together. “Now, I have a woman to convince to cut girl’s night short since the kids are with their grandparents for the night.”