Page 65 of Rescued Love
Kimball watches me like I’ve hung the moon.
Winning her? That was a challenge I would happily go up against time and time again. Having her heart is the ultimate prize.
“No,” I tell him honestly while gazing into Kimball’s dark brown eyes, “I’m not coming back. This is where I’m supposed to be.”
Nigel sucks in a sharp breath, I’m sure because he hears the certainty in my voice. Good. I want him to hear it.
“While I’m sad to see you go, I’m also ecstatic for you, Nathan,” his voice is thick with emotion. He clears his throat before assuring me, “I’ll take care of Marcus. Thank you for bringing his little visit to my attention.”
We sign off and then I’m pulling my woman flush against me. I can feel the heat coming from her pussy. The need to bury myself inside of her is so damn strong that I almost can’t see straight.
“We should go back inside,” her voice is gentle as she reminds me, without really needing to say it, that Hailey is waiting for us.
I nod, but before we head inside, I kiss her again. Because I need her lips on mine. Because I need to taste her. Because I need her love.
She’s devoted her life to rescuing animals. Now, she’s rescued me, and I’ll forever make her happy because of it.
Sometimes times flies and sometimes you find yourself living really surreal moments. Both are true for me and this, what I’m doing right now, is all the proof I need. It’s the only way to justify how I’m standing in the middle of the third, yes third, house we’re viewing only two weeks after Nathan told his boss that he wasn’t coming back.
The fact that he’s looking for a house to buy really brings home the fact that he’s choosing to stay. He’s choosing the life he wants to build with me.
I can’t say I’m not happy about it because I am.
Nathan took last week and arranged for his entire old life to be dismantled. I wasn’t aware you could hire someone to go into a place, pack everything up, and then move it. I mean, I guess I knew such a service was a possibility, but I never thought I would become so acquainted with it.
Every time I’ve moved before, which hasn’t been often because moving is a bitch, I had to pack up my own stuff, sweet talk some friends into helping, and then make it happen.
Hiring someone would have been much easier. Though, frankly, it’s an expense I never would have considered. Whenyou have people with a truck at their disposal and you know how to work a tape gun like a queen, why would you?
Right now, most of Nathan’s things are in storage while he’s basically moved his necessities into my place. I hadn’t even realized that he’d been doing it slowly since the night we had sex for the first time. I’ve been telling myself I didn’t notice because I was so comfortable with the idea, but I’m not sure if that’s true.
I absolutely should have noticed the sneaky man infiltrating my space.
But, alas, I did not and now it’s basically done.
I’m not sure how I’m going to feel when he moves his stuff into a house, probably this one considering the way his brown eyes are sparkling as he looks around and is no longer living in my apartment with me. I’ll miss him.
“I’m so glad I was able to get you in to see this one before it officially goes on the market,” Taylor, the realtor Maverick recommended, chirps.
While I don’t say it, I agree.
Nathan wraps an arm around my shoulder, leading me out of the huge kitchen, complete with a farmhouse sink that I would probably run someone over to have, and into the living room before we head toward the bedrooms. My eyes are wide as I take everything in.
This place is perfect.
“I’m going to step outside; I have a few calls to make. Let me know if you have any questions,” Taylor calls out and then I hear the front door close behind her.
This place is perfect.
“It really is,” Nathan murmurs and I look up at him in surprise. He chuckles and kisses my forehead. “You said it out loud that time.”
I smirk and challenge him, “How did you know I said it more than once in my head?”
He shrugs one shoulder before leading me into one of the four bedrooms in this fucking perfect farmhouse style home. This one sits across from a small half bath which is central to the common spaces in the house. Two other bedrooms are down the hall with a bathroom connecting them while the primary bedroom has its own en-suite.