Page 29 of Comp's Chance
“Give us four hours, and you can come after us if we are not back,” Piper says calmly.
I hear Swift sigh before asking, “Are all you women loaded?”
“We are. I have my knives and my tiffany blue. Piper has her nine mill and Izzy…” I start to say has nothing, but Hitter speaks up.
“Izzy better not get involved in any shit. She better be protected and not have to hold a weapon.”
“I. Am. Not. A. Child,” Izzy seethes. “Halle, hand me the gun you keep in the glove compartment. I can take care of myself. Four hours, boys, then come get some,” she tells them before leaning forward and hanging up the phone. Oh shit, He got Izzy pissed. He’s going to pay for that. I smile before flooring it.
“Alight, so what’s the plan?” Piper asks, looking at me.
“Well, I was able to get Sunny’s shithead ex’s house address before I left. I know she’s heading to end him. She’s over having to run, and my gut is telling me she’s willing to give up her life to end his. My only worry is I only had time to get his home address. I have no clue where to find them if she isn't there. She’s familiar with that area. We aren’t. I have a feeling Sunny got on a bus home since she didn’t have a ride. There are bus stops in all four towns that lead away from Devil’s Crossroads, so I figured by the time we check them all, we will probably already miss her,” I say, looking at Piper, wondering if she’s following what I'm getting at.
“So, if she's not that far ahead of us and she's on a slow-ass bus, maybe we can reach her as she's arriving. Then we can all move in on Jason together.” Izzy, surprisingly, is the one who speaks up.
“Exactly! Now, we have about three hours to come up with a plan that involves us backing up Sunny and kicking that ass fuck of an ex all the way back to hell,” I tell them, smiling.
“The GPS says it’s a four-hour trip,” Piper tells me, looking at the console.
I turn to her and smile, “Yeah, but what's the fun in using speed limits?”
I cackle as I floor it down the back roads of Georgia, heading straight for our girl, our best friend, our badass bitch.
Islam the payphone down and turn, ready to get this over with. I’m determined, and nothing, and I do mean nothing, is going to stop me. As I walk out of the bus station, I place my ball cap back on my head. I'm just about to put my hood back up, but I hear a yell.
“Hey, Bitch! You think you can have all the fun without us?” Halle screams as she leans out the window of her jeep, smiling excitedly. I gasp before making my way toward the car. I notice Piper in the passenger seat and Izzy in the back.
“What are you guys doing here?” I ask, surprised.
“We’re your backup girl! No one goes into a firefight without backup. Especially our sister,” Piper says, turning and staring at me. I can see the worry on her face, so I try to give her a reassuring smile. I turn to look at Izzy. She has her arms crossed and is looking at the opposite window. I touch her shoulder to get her attention, and when she turns my way, I see pure anger on her face.
“Are you okay, Izzy?” I ask her.
“No, no, I am not fucking okay. One of my best friends decided to leave the safety of the compound ALONE and chase after a maniac. You know he tortured Comp, right? What if yougot caught? What if he hurt you? Or worse, killed you? I am so mad at you!” she tells me, fuming. I try to hold the smile in, but it slips past.
“I’ve never had anyone but Paisley and Milani. They are the only ones to ever love, care for, and stick by me. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, ladies. You all are truly my best friends, and I shouldn’t have kept it from you,” I tell them, looking at each one and getting a smile in return. I look to Izzy last, hoping some of the anger has faded. She sighs before pulling me into a quick hug.
“Alright, now that the sweet shit is over, let's get this party started,” Halle says, cranking the jeep.
“Alright! Piper, you go over the plan one more time,” Izzy says, turning toward the front.
“Wait? Plan?” I ask them. They all smile evilly at me.
“We had a four-hour trip to plan out the best way to make this bastard pay,” Piper says, and Halle floors it.
The girls tell me the plan on the way, which, if I'm being honest, isn’t much of a plan anyway, but I didn’t have much of a plan in the first place. I decide their way is twice the fun though, so we’ll go with it. It doesn’t take us more than fifteen minutes to get to Jason's house. I grab my bag as Halle pulls a case from the backseat. We make our way up to the front door, and I stop.
“Shit, I forgot! What about Kerry? She will probably be here. She’s a bitch, but she doesn’t deserve this shit,” I tell the girls, chewing on my thumbnail.
“Oh, the fiance, don’t worry. I took care of that,” Halle says with an evil smile.
“What did you do?” I ask her, not sure if I want to know or not.
“I may have called her and told her Jason was at the police station being questioned, and she was needed there to bail him out,” she answers, shrugging.