Page 3 of Comp's Chance
After what went down with Loki getting kidnapped, Swift and Halle had a come-to-Jesus moment. He can’t have her running off half-cocked, especially against his orders. However, the situation was important to her, and it was about her man. Swift understood that, for Loki, she would do what needed to be done, whether or not anyone approved.
He would have done the same for Piper, and he respects her. But they also understand she needs to follow his lead, and he needs to give her a little more credibility. Halle needs to understand he has to think of the club first and foremost, and if she’s going to be a part of the team, she needs to follow that and respect it. After their meeting, they better understood each other, which was the best thing for everyone involved.
“Come on, let’s get out there before whoever is causing a mess takes it too far with the prospect,” Swift sighs, turning and making his way out of the compound. We all follow him, making our way up to the front gate. It doesn’t take us long before we hear the yelling.
“Look, lady, I can’t just let you in there. I have to wait for my Prez to get out here and clear you first,” the prospect guarding the front gates says in obvious frustration.
“Please, just let me in the damn gates,” a frightened feminine voice replies.
I can’t explain what happens when hearing this woman’s voice, but it’s like those words alone wake up something inside my body that I thought was long since drowned out. My wholebeing comes alive, and I try to peer around Swift to see if I can glimpse the owner of that voice.
“Who the fuck are you, and what are you doing yelling outside my compound?” Swift barks, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Please, I have my daughter in the backseat. Please let us in,” the woman begs, looking all around her, fear clearly painted all over her features.
“Who are you, and what are you looking for here, Darlin?” Hitter asks her. I want to growl at his endearment, but her next words have me seeing red.
“My name is Sunny Lex. I’m here for Loki. Please,” she says, her voice screaming desperation.
“What the fuck? Who the fuck is asking for my man? Linc, I swear to Christ, you better not have a kid out there I don’t know about,” Halle yells, getting riled and all up in Loki’s face. She might be tiny, but I sure as hell would not want to cross her. I thought Loki was my worst nightmare come to life, but Halle is the pure definition of fucking crazy.
“Pet. Calm the fuck down,” Loki says, raising his hands as Halle slowly makes her way closer to him.
“What do you need with Loki?” I ask, hiding the right side of my face.
“Milani sent me,” she says, and that has everyone stopping and looking at Loki as his face goes devoid of any color, and he sucks in a breath.
“Milani? What’s happened? What’s wrong with my sister?” Loki asks, rushing toward the gate. “Open the fucking gate. Get her in here,” Loki says, nearly climbing over the damn thing. Sunny sees his panicked eyes, and the worry etched across his face and quickly tries to reassure him while the gates open.
“She’s fine. It’s me who is in trouble. Milani told me to come here and ask for you. That you could help me,” she tells all of us.Swift looks at all of us for reassurance, and when he gets a head nod from each of us, he speaks up.
“What kind of trouble are you in, honey?” he asks softly. There is no way in hell any man in our club could turn down someone obviously in need. Especially a woman.
“Someone is trying to take my child from me,” she says, and we all go stock still, fury radiating off each one of us.
Maybe I shouldn’t have come here.
These people don’t seem too welcoming. When I pulled up to the gate, it took me a good ten minutes to work up the courage to get out and talk to the impatient asshole manning the gate. He stared my car down the whole time I tried not to hyperventilate. When I got out of the car and asked to speak to Loki, the guy looked at me like I was completely crazy before telling me he had to call his ‘prez,’ which I’m guessing means boss. I know nothing about motorcycle clubs except what I was on the one season of that Sons of Anarchy show Milani talked me into watching. When they started killing off the people I loved, I ditched the show and went back to watching reruns of Friends, my comfort show.
Luckily, Paisley slept soundly through all of this, but I can’t shake the feeling of being watched. I could have sworn I was being followed down one of the back roads leaving our town, and even after about four hours of driving. Then again, I could just be paranoid because I’m stressed or finally going crazy. All this shit is taking a toll on me, and I feel like I can’t breathe.
When the ‘Prez’ finally gets outside, he interrogates me. I feel all alone with nowhere else to go, and these people don’tseem to be the type to help outsiders. What has Milani gotten me into? When I mention Loki’s name, I swear the little blonde bombshell beside him is about to rip off his dick, but then I mention Milani’s name, and he goes fucking ballistic. When I finally calmed him down and told them my situation, they all just stood around watching me.
“Maybe I should just leave and drive as far away as possible,” I say, looking back at my car to ensure Paisley is still asleep.
“You ain’t going nowhere,” comes a growl from the back of the crowd.
The man has only spoken once since coming out here, but when I tried to look at him, he turned away, so I couldn’t fully see him. His voice and commanding tone should make me want to hop in my car and leave. I do not take commands very well. I don’t like to be bossed around, but somehow, coming from this man, all I want to do is run into his massive arms and let him shield me from all the bullshit coming my way.
“You heard the man. Come on and drive up to the front of the building. Brothers, church in ten to hear what she has to say, then go from there. I’m Swift, President of the Reckless Omens MC,” the man in charge tells me, holding out his hand for a shake. I take it but hear that increasingly familiar growl coming from behind us. What the hell is with these people? I take one more look at the road, contemplating turning around and just figuring this shit out on my own, but Swift squeezes my hand.
“No one here will hurt you or your daughter. I promise you that,” he says softly. I try to smile, but I know it looks forced, so I just give him a nod.
“Rodeo, why don’t you hop in the car with Sunny and make sure she knows where to park,” Swift says, turning to the only guy in the group wearing a cowboy hat.