Page 32 of Comp's Chance
“Fuck, man, we get it. Stop going into so much detail,” Grease mutters before we all start making our way through the woods and down the hidden path. With how fast we are moving, it takes no time at all before we are at the back of Jason’s property. We can see through the backdoor, and I’m guessing from the dining table in the corner, it will bring us up through to the kitchen. Swift and Hitter take their places at the front of the group before Swift tests the knob. It’s locked.
“Alright, the doors locked. Loki, I want you to pick it. Then, when we’re inside,” Swift starts, but we all stop cold at Piper's scream.
I see it in Swift's face, devastation. He doesn’t wait; he just turns and kicks the door in, making his way inside, not giving a fuck about the plan or anything else. I can understand; if it had been Sunny’s scream, I would have flown through the door as well.
We don’t wait for a cue. We all just pile in behind him. I’m close behind him when he suddenly stops dead in his tracks. I run into him, making all the men behind me do the same.
“What the fuck is going on here?” Swift yells. When I turn to who he’s yelling at, I swear I want to commit murder… and not on the one I originally came here for.
“Ba-Babies…” Piper slurs, holding a spoon in her hand.
“You guyses are just,”hiccup,“in time to see if we can get the spoons to stick,” Izzy slurs drunkenly.
“My man has to be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s enough to make me crazy… wait, I already am!” Halle says, cackling.
“Help,” is muttered from the human pincushion that is Jason that the women have stuck to the wall. “They’re all crazy.”
“Hey, don’ts sue talk about my girlses like that,” Piper slurs.
Hitter walks up to Izzy, snatching the spoon out of her hand.
“Hey! It was my turn!” she complains, almost falling over as she tries to reach for it. Hitter growls, then studies her. I turn to look at my woman, but she is keeping her eyes anywhere but on me.
“Sunshine!” I growl, making her sigh.
“What?” she asks, throwing her hands up. I can see she’s a bit drunk as well. When she sways on her feet, I make my way toward her. “I know as well as me... I mean me knows as wellas I… wait that wasn’t right either,” she says, shaking her head before starting again, “You know as much as I do that If I would have asked to do this, you would have said no.”
“And with good reason. You could have been seen or killed,” I growl, taking her face in my hands.
“We were careful! I put on fake license plates when we crossed state lines to Louisiana,” Halle says, leaning on Loki.
“You mean Amabama,” Piper says, closing her eyes for a minute too long.
Izzy starts giggling uncontrollably. “Alabasiana. Damn, I can't say it either.” All the women fall into fits of laughter, and all the men groan at the scene.
“Someone get the women out of here. We need to take care of this,” Swift growls, but that sobers the women further, and Sunny’s back straightens.
“No, this is mine to deal with, and I will finish it,” she says, looking at Swift.
“Someone get me down,” Jason groans. I don’t have time to move as Sunny quickly picks up a pan from the counter beside her and throws it, hitting him in the head with surprising accuracy. I’m going to guess that was a lucky shot. She’s probably seeing three of him and aimed for the middle.
“I told you to shut the fuck up,” she yells at a knocked-out Jason.
“Baby, he’s out cold. How about we load him in the van and get him back to the compound? I want a piece of his flesh for my own,” I tell her, pulling her into my arms. “I was so scared you were hurt,” I whisper into her hair.
“I'm sorry I worried you. I was tired of living behind those walls with no outside world. I was tired of telling Paisley no to the park, to dance, to living,” Sunny explains, and I can see why she did what she did. If it were up to me, I would never tell that little girl no, but we had to make sure she was safe.
“Let’s get him back to the compound. We brought the van. Halle, the prospects will drive your jeep back while you ride with Loki,” Swift starts, but Halle speaks up.
“Hell no. I will drive my Jeep. Kitty tries to kill me sober. I ain’t taking a chance on her while drunk,” she tells the group, referring to Loki’s bike.
“One of the prospects can take Kitty back, I’ll drive Halle. If there is a scratch, though, I’m coming for every last shred of whoever caused it,” he warns, turning and walking out of the kitchen toward the front door. The women go to follow, but Swift stops them.
“No way. You ladies are on the back of our rides. We can't trust any of you together,” Swift tells them firmly.
“Seriously? We are not children,” Piper tells him.