Page 59 of Broken Bonds
Me: Define eventful. I ended up at a shelter near the beach with Ace.
Amber: Oh! Please tell me you at least got some good hurricane sex!
The cheeky redhead had the audacity to use the devil emoji and then a winking face. My cheeks flamed red as the pornographic images filled my mind.
I had a feeling sex with Ace would be… phenomenal. Life-altering. There was just that deep intensity to him that alluded to a man who would be a beast in bed. And not the kind that later turned into Prince Charming.
Me: No, you dirty girl!
This time, I put the phone down, making sure to lock the screen. When Ace noticed, he stood and leaned down to help me off the mattress. I clung to the support Ace gave me as I tried to stand on my own. He shook his head, and a moment later, he placed an arm under my trembling legs to carry me into the bathroom.
My bathroom was small, so he helped me lean against the counter, which was only one step from the shower. He turned the water on, turning the knob to as hot as it could get before turning to face me again.
“I’ll be five minutes,” Ace promised, his fingers twitching at his sides like he wanted to grab me. Touch me. “Scream if you need me, okay?” I nodded, and he walked out, closing the door on his way. Steam started to fog the air as I undressed, and pain shot up my legs as I put my full weight on them.
Holding my breath as if not breathing would somehow make the pain lessen, I stepped into the steaming hot water, instantlyfeeling renewed. The hot water hit my head first, then cascaded down my shivering body, easing some of the pain. I wanted to linger, but I knew I couldn’t. My legs were already beginning to tremble. So, I focused on washing my hair. I massaged my scalp, then used my favorite body wash, leaving my skin smelling like a rose garden. I even took a quick minute to shave under my arms.
Turning off the water, I reached for my towel without taking a step, wrapped it around myself, then took one shaky step out of the shower. My foot brushed the carpet before I lost my balance when pain shot up my other calf, and I crashed to the ground, dragging things off the counter with me when I tried to catch myself.
Pain—sharp pain shot through my bodyeverywhere. My head cracked against the tiled floor, and I shouted in pain. I palmed the back of my head, already feeling a bump growing beneath my fingertips. My wet hair stuck to my neck as I held my towel tightly around my body, trying to sit up. I placed one foot on the ground and started to get up, but I slipped and fell, hitting my head again.
I sobbed, hating how weak I felt. This was humiliating. I was naked, dripping wet, and crying. Why did the universe fucking hate me?
I called for Ace, squeezing my eyes shut, though they snapped back open when he threw the door open, wearing only a pair of Ryan’s sweats, his black, wet hair lying limply on his head.
“Shit,” he swore, rushing in to help me up. I clutched the towel tightly to cover my chest, even though his eyes didn’t stray from my face. I almost wished he would look, just so I had a reason to be angry with him. Just so I could focus my pain and embarrassment and weakness on something else.
He cradled me to his body, my wet hair sticking to his bare chest, my fingertips clenching his tense muscles. My lipstrembled, but I tried my best not to start crying again. Ace’s eyes never left mine, reminding me of the gentleman he truly was. When I noted his hand was resting right above my towel-clad ass, heat flushed through my body, warmth curling in my belly.
“Are you—” He cleared his throat, his voice a rasp, “hurt?” I shook my head, not trusting my voice—not when he sounded like that. He licked his lips, his blue-eyed gaze almost a stormy gray color as his breathing deepened. My nails dug into his upper arms, my heart slamming against my breastbone at the heated, sinful promise in his eyes.
He groaned—a deep, primal sound that called to something within me. “Celine, I promised I wouldn’t, but I can’t get you out of my head.” Then, his lips were on mine, kissing me hot and hungrily.
And I was so. Fucking. Done. For.
chapter twenty-three
Ace was kissing me.
Mr. Asshole waskissingme.
My fingers slipped into his wet locks as his tongue brushed my bottom lip. With a small moan, my lips parted, electricity lighting my veins on fire as Ace deepened the kiss, licking into my mouth like he wanted todevourme.
A tiny whimper escaped my throat as he reached up to cup my face, his thumb rubbing my flushed cheek. His other arm held my body to his as his lips dominated mine, his fingersjustbrushing the curve of my ass. I pressed my body tighter to his, feeling his answering hardness against my belly. My core clenched, and I clenched my thighs, lust clouding my brain until I could think of nothing but Ace and howgood, howperfect, he felt against me.
He pulled back, his nose brushing against mine, our breaths coming out in uneven pants. “Ace,” I whispered, my voice husky and trembling. I’d never wanted someone so badly in my life.
“Yes?” His tone was husky, and I clenched my thighs even tighter, my skin flushing.
“Again,” I pleaded.
Groaning, he closed the small gap between us, taking my lips in a deeper, dirtier kiss. My fingers tugged at this thick, black hair, and a groan fell from his parted lips when I traced his full, bottom lip with the tip of my tongue, eager to make him break and give me what I so desperately wanted.
His kiss turned demanding—bruising—his tongue exploring my lips, his fingers lacing in my hair to tilt my head back the tiniest bit so he could control me. I whimpered when he pressed me back against the bathroom counter, pinning me there while also taking the pressure off my legs. I couldn’t even bring myself to care about how uncomfortable it was to have the bathroom counter digging into my lower back.
I pulled away, panting for air, looking at his swollen lips and messy hair. His eyes were so dark, they were almost completely gray, and he looked about two seconds away from fracturing at the seams and giving me what I wanted.