Page 18 of Taking What's Ours
“You’ve lost your fucking mind. How could you drag your cousin into this? I’d never do such a thing.”
I want to yank the phone out of her hand and tell his sorry ass off, but at the same time, I don’t want my brother to know she’s with me. The less he knows, the better.
Elaina looks up as I slide into my chair. Her lips are tight and her jaw is thrust out. Then she rolls her eyes.
“Don’t deny it. I know the truth. I’m beginning to find out you’re not the man I thought you were.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’ve shown your true colors, Elliott. I closed a blind eye to them, because I wanted that happily ever after. But my eyes are wide open now.”
“You’re still pissed about the cake? It was just a joke. I said I was sorry.”
She stays silent.
“Are you coming back or not?” he hisses.
“Not a fucking chance, asshole.”
I’m proud of her when she disconnects and tosses the phone on the table. Glancing around, I see a couple guys staring at us from the parking lot. I stare them down, until they walk away.
The waitress brings our food, and we eat in silence for a while.
“Everything okay?” she asks, throwing me.
“Your phone call.”
“Oh, yeah. Just a buddy of mine. No big deal.”
“Oh. I thought it may have been important the way you walked away to take the call.”
I shrug. “He just wanted to know when I’d get back to town. He was going to pick me up at the airport, but there’s no need now.” I shove my last bite in my mouth and notice she’s no longer eating. “You not gonna eat?”
“I lost my appetite.”
Nodding, I pick up the check. “I’ll go inside and pay for this. Be right back.”
When I return to the table, she’s standing, Rosie at her side.
“Maybe we should walk him around that grass over there.” I nod to a large strip of lawn out near the street. We wander over. “You want me to drive the rest of the way?”
“No, I’m good.”
“Okay. You change your mind, let me know.”
Her phone goes off again. She looks at the screen, then answers it. “I don’t want to talk, Mother.”
I can’t hear the response, but Elaina drags in a long breath and shakes her head.
“No, I’m not. I’m taking time to think about things.” She pauses. “Things. Mother. I just need to think.” She begins pacing, and I reach for Rosie’s leash. She relinquishes it without a fight. “Well, there are things you don’t know about. He slept with Madison last night, Mother, so obviously he’s not the prize you thought he was, either.” She paces some more. “Because I have proof. Do you want me to send you a picture?”
I lead Rosie farther away, and miss what she says next, but a second later, she’s stomping toward her car. Since it’s the only vehicle, I’m hoping she doesn’t drive off and leave me and Rosie.
I whistle. “Come on, girl. Let’s get in the car before she leaves us both here.”