Page 28 of Taking What's Ours
“No problem. There aren’t too many dishes I make well, but an omelet I can pull off.”
I get myself a glass of juice and set out some plates and silverware.
Before I know it, she’s carrying over the skillet and sliding one big omelet on my plate.
“I thought we could just cut it in half.”
“Good thinking.” I grab a knife and do the honors, sliding one half onto her plate.
She returns the skillet to the stove and slips onto her chair, tucking a leg under her.
Forking off a piece, I shove it in my mouth and moan around the bite. “Hmm. That’s good.”
“So, you’ve got a motorcycle, huh?”
I still as I slip the fork from my mouth. “Yeah. Didn’t I mention that?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Huh. Thought I did.”
“How long have you ridden?”
“I don’t know. I guess since right after I got out of the service. Have you ever been on one?” I ask.
“Never had the opportunity. I never knew anyone with a motorcycle before.”
“And what’s your opinion on them?”
She shrugs. “Don’t really have one.”
“I’ll have to give you a ride, just so you can make an informed decision.”
She grins. “I’d like that. You’re a good rider? Safe on it, I mean, right?”
“Absolutely. I’d never endanger your life, angel. Not a chance.”
We eat in silence for a few minutes, and I demolish my half.
She looks at my plate. “Guess you really were starving.”
“Guess I was.” My gaze meanders over her as she studies her plate. Her skin looks smooth as silk, and I want to let the back of my fingers trail down her arm. Hell, I want to do more than that. I long to cup my hand around her nape and drag her to me for a taste of her mouth.
She sips her juice. “How’s your thumb doing?”
Glancing down, I hide the bloody bandage from her. “It’s fine. All good.”
“You sure?” she asks, like she doesn’t believe me.
“Yeah.” I stand, knowing I need to get her out of here before I do something stupid, like make a move on her. “I’m pretty tired. You must be, too. Why don’t you hit the hay, and I’ll clean up in here?”
She stands, nervously. “Are you sure? I could help.”
“No, you go on. And here…” I move to the counter and give her the remaining slice of ham in the package. “Here’s a treat for Rosie.”
“Oh. Thanks.” She takes it and moves to the door. “Well, goodnight, Dylan.”
“Goodnight, Elaina. Be sure to lock up.” I watch her until she’s safely inside the apartment, then close the door and lean against it, wondering how much longer I’ll be able to hold out.