Page 55 of Taking What's Ours
“Why did you come?”
“You know my father was set to make me Vice President of his company. Do you know how long I’ve wanted that? Said there was only one thing holding him back. He wanted me settled down. When he called me in his office and told me, I was thrown. I had no intention of marrying anyone. But he had it all planned. He even picked out my bride.”
My chin pulls back. “That’s why you took a sudden interest? Because it’s what yourfatherwanted?”
He shrugs. “You were as good as anyone, and you can’t deny I can give you a good life. We can still make this work, Elaina. My father has suggested I sweeten the deal. So, if you come along nicely, I’ve set up a bank account for you. There’s a hundred grand in it.”
“I don’t want your money. And I don’t want you. The only thing I want is for you to leave. Now.”
“I told my father you’d be difficult. I told him money has never been that important to you. There’s only one thing I know you really want. Children.” He smiles a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “I could give those to you. In fact, I think we should get started on that right now. It’s time you and I consummate our marriage, wife.”
Before I can escape, he yanks me toward the bedroom, but I fight him, dropping my weight to the floor. That doesn’t stop him, though. He buries his fist in my hair and drags me.
I kick and flail, knocking a lamp off a table and turning a chair on its side. I manage to get my hands on a candlestick and swing my arm, hitting him in the groin with the heavy brass.
“Motherfucking bitch!” he screams, releasing me and doubling over.
I scramble away, but before I can get to my feet, he’s on top of me, pinning me to the floor. I’m on my stomach, but he manages to flip me to my back, then slaps me hard.
“That’s for what you did to me, you little slut.”
I’m still in the Royal Bastards t-shirt Baja leant me, and with one yank, Elliott rips the fabric up the middle, exposing my bra.
I claw at him, scratching his face, determined to fight him to the end.
Rosie is barking like crazy, pawing at the glass, trying to get to me, then turning in circles.
I fight. I fight like crazy, but he’s so much stronger.
The sound of motorcycles rumbles the glass and bounces off the building, roaring closer.
That doesn’t even slow Elliott down, and I have to believe he doesn’t know anything about his brother being a member of an MC.
“That’s Dylan,” I spit. “He’ll kill you for this.”
That gives him pause, and he looks toward the deck.
The bikes have turned in, and their engines cut off.
Rosie is still barking incessantly, scratching at the door, up on her hind legs. That’s when I feel the floor beneath me shake, boots pounding up the stairs and across the deck.
I turn my head to look, but Elliott punches me and stars explode before my eyes.
“You fucking biker whore,” he yells, and then his weight is off me. I’m so dizzy from the punch, I just lie there. A moment later the glass in the door to the deck shatters, and boots thud across the floor.
I manage to pull the pieces of my shirt together, tears streaming down my cheeks.
“He went out the front,” someone yells.
“Go after him,” a voice barks, and I recognize Rock.
I frown.Why is he here?Everything is fuzzy.
Three blurry men dash out the front door.
Rosie races to me, licking my face.
Trez kneels next to me. “You okay, honey?”