Page 60 of Taking What's Ours
I kiss her lips. “Then stop worrying.”
I slip out and wander to Rock’s office, tapping on the door.
“Come in.”
Entering, I find Darko sitting across from Rock. My president’s eyes sweep over me, and he leans back in his chair.
“So, you took me up on the offer. How is she?”
“Fine. She’s in my room. I’m gonna find another one to crash in.”
“Oh, it’s like that, is it?” Darko asks.
I ignore him.
Rock picks up a bottle of tequila and fills a shot glass, then passes it to me. “Here, kid. You look like you need this.”
I down it.
“What’s bothering you?” he asks.
I shake my head. “I fucking hate the fact that I couldn’t keep her safe, ya know?”
He nods. “I get that. Isn’t a brother in the club who hasn’t failed his ol’ lady at some point.”
“Even you?” I ask.
“Even me.” He cocks his head, studying me. “So, are we going after the son-of-a-bitch or what? He’s your brother, so that makes it hard.”
“I want to kill him, but I promised Elaina I’d let it go.”
“Promises to women.” Darko shakes his head. “They’ll get you in more trouble than anything.”
“I’ve never known you to have an ol’ lady, Darko.”
“I’ve got a past, just like every man.” He meets my eyes.
“You’re a man of many secrets, Darko.”
Rock chuckles. “How do you think he got his name? That man’s a vault. Ain’t nobody keeps secrets better than Darko.”
“That’s the thing,” I say, “I don’t want to keep secrets from Elaina.”
“This girl’s really starting to mean something to you, isn’t she, brother?” Rock asks.
“She is.”
“That happened fast, especially for you,” Darko acknowledges.
“I know. Kind of scares the crap out of me. I’ve always steered clear of letting any woman in. I just haven’t wanted to risk the pain.”
“But now that’s changed,” Rock surmises.
“Yeah. Now that’s changed. I just don’t know what to do with it.”
Darko chuckles. “Hell, life’s a ride, boy. Ride it to the fullest. We only get one go around.”
“People keep telling me shit like that.”