Page 33 of Raptor
"I'm in danger because Stephen killed a man. Want to tell me how the fuck that's fair?" I ask, my anger getting the best of me right now. "How is it fair that I'm the one who’s been targeted? I have a three-month-old son who can't leave the house because I'm terrified Micah's going to hurt him."
Silence spreads around the room, and I know they finally understand why I've been hiding. Maverick pulls me into a hug. "The next time that fucker surfaces, you call us, Mal. You call any of us and we'll be there."
"Exactly," Jer says. "Now, why don't you move in here?" he asks. "You'll be safe. The house is guarded and no one can get in or out without my say so."
"Tomorrow, I'm going to the Fury Viper compound. If Raptor won't help with Shay, then I may take you up on that offer."
"Wait," Maverick says, his eyes widening. "Raptor's Shay's dad?"
I nod. "He is."
"Fuck me," Mav says. "That's news to me. What the hell is with the women in my life?" he muses. "None of you can go for guys your own age."
I laugh because he's not wrong. His sister, Callie, is married to a man twenty years her senior. There's about an eight or nine year difference between Pyro and Chloe. With Stephen and Jess, there's around a fifteen year age gap. Raptor is thirty-five and I'm nineteen. "We'll see what you're like when you meet your woman."
His gaze slides to the floor, making me think he's already found his one. I'm happy for him if he has. Maverick is one of the good ones.
"Okay, you two, let's go. I'll get you home," I say, walking over to Jer and pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you for having me today and including me in the planning."
He pats my hand. "My dear, if it wasn't for you, my niece wouldn't have had her dream day. You're the reason she's alive and happy. We're in your debt."
I shake my head. "No, you're not. Jess is closer to me than a sister. I'll do anything for her." I give him a smile before turning and leaving. It's time to go home and I can't wait. I'm about ready to drop.
Thankfully, both Maverick and Freddie dutifully follow me to my car.
I drop Freddie in town. I'm not sure what he wants to do, but I know better than to ask, whereas Maverick wants to be dropped off at home. I happily oblige, knowing they're safe. Once I have them dropped off, I call Ma.
"Hey, sweetie, are you on the way home?"
"Yeah. I just wanted to know if you need anything?"
I hear her soft yawn and realize I've probably woken her up. "No thanks, love. I'm going up to bed now. Shay's all tucked in and fast asleep."
I smile. He's safe and content. "Okay. I'm going to stop and get some food. I'm hungry. I'll be home in a bit. I'll be sure to be quiet so as not to wake anyone."
"Thanks, Mallory. I'm glad you had a great night. I can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow."
"Night, Ma. Sweet dreams." I end the call and continue driving.
I stop off at a fast food restaurant and get some food before I go home.
I'm careful to keep an eye on any cars on the road. Micah has been showing up out of nowhere. It's as though he's got a tracker on me or something, but I've changed vehicles and have checked to ensure there are no trackers. Yet somehow he always manages to find me.
I pull into the car park of the fast food chain and quickly make my way into the store. I'm cautious, my gaze always scanning to see who's around me. Thankfully it's quiet and hardly anyone's around, so I'm able to order my food and get it within minutes.
Walking outside, I sigh when I see a huge fucking truck blocking my exit. The fucker is parked vertically, blocking the view between the store and my car. Fuck. I hurry around the truck and hit the key fob of my car to unlock it. I see the lights flash and it beeps, letting me know it's unlocked. My feet hurry toward my car. My entire body is tense as fear creeps up my spine. I'm trying my hardest to not panic. Christ, what the hell is wrong with this asshole? Why would he park like this, blocking a car in?
I reach for the handle to open the door and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. "Told you, bitch," I hear snarled from behind me.
I begin to tremble. Fuck, fuck, I should have known. I should have walked back into the store and waited. I shouldn't have walked into the dark car park alone. How fucking stupid am I? Us women, we learn this as we grow up. Never walk alone at night, always have your keys between your fingers—just in case.If you have to be alone, always call someone to talk to and let them know your whereabouts so if something does happen to you, they can get help.
What do I do? Ignore every instinct I have and walk toward danger. Christ, what the fuck is wrong with me?
I drop the food I was carrying to the floor with a loud thud, and my car keys clink as they fall out of my pocket. I turn to face Micah, my heart pounding. Even though I know what's coming, his sinister smile sends chills down my spine. "Micah," I breathe, fear coating every syllable.
He holds up his trusted knife again, the blade glinting menacingly in the dim light. "Warned you, bitch," he spits, his eyes filled with malice. "I told you I'm going to break you, Mallory. I'm going to toy with you until you beg for mercy."
But I refuse to give him that satisfaction. No matter what he does to me, I will not beg for mercy. I did nothing wrong. I couldn't have stopped them that night. Stephen was protecting the woman he loves from Jarlath's cruel intentions. The man is a psychopath, and there was no stopping him when he set out for revenge. In the three months since he broke into my house the day I came home with Shay, I've replayed it over and over in my mind. And now I realize that no matter what actions I could have taken, Stephen was always going to kill Jarlath. It's just who he is.