Page 57 of Raptor
God, I miss her so fucking much.
What the hell am I going to do without her?
Chapter 24
It's been two weeks since Mallory found her mom's dead body hanging from the neighboring window. She's become withdrawn and sullen. She's fucking broken. I wish I could help her, but there's nothing anyone can say to make her feel better. She's lost her mom.
"Darlin', you good?" I shout up the stairs.
She's getting herself and Shay ready. Today, he's got his six-month check-up at the doctors, and while he has to go, I know the dangers of letting Mallory and Shay go alone. Over the past two weeks, neither have been left alone by themselves. They're always with me or my brothers.
Today, I've ensured that when we go to the doctor's office, we're covered. Wrath, Bozo, and Cowboy are coming with us. I'm not taking any fucking chances. None at fucking all.
"We're ready," she shouts as she walks down the stairs. She's got Shay sitting on her hip. My boy's dressed in a Harley Davidson tee and jeans. He looks so fucking cute. "We're running late. I'm sorry."
I pull her into my arms. "Chill, darlin', yeah?" I say, knowing how stressed she's going to get if she thinks about being late. "We're leavin' now. We'll be there in plenty of time."
She releases a deep breath. "Okay, let's go."
I take a hold of her hand and we walk out of the clubhouse. My brothers are already positioned at the doctor’s office. I want them scoping out the place ahead of our arrival.
"How you feelin', darlin'?" I ask once we're in my truck.
"Tired," she sighs. "But I'm okay. Taking it day by day."
I reach across and splay my hand on her thigh. "I'm here if you need to talk."
Over the past two weeks, she's not spoken about her mom at all. She's bottling everything up and keeping it to herself. During the funeral, she sat there stoic. She didn't cry. She just looked ahead as the funeral service went ahead. Chloe has tried to help her, but she's brushing everyone off and acting as though she can get through it all herself.
"I'm scared," she confesses. "I'm so terrified that he's going to find us and he's going to hurt Shay. I've lost Ma, Shane. I can't lose anyone else."
I tighten my grip on the steering wheel, feeling the weight of Mallory's words heavy in the air between us. The fear that clenches at her voice rattles me to the core. Having Micah out there, his whereabouts unknown, it means he could strike at any moment.
"We won't let anything happen to Shay," I say firmly, trying to reassure her as much as possible. "I promise you, darlin’, we'll protect him with everything we've got. We’ll protect you both."
She nods slowly, the fear still flickering in her eyes. "I know you will, Shane. I trust you."
As we pull up to the doctor's office, Wrath, Bozo, and Cowboy situate themselves around us, their presence hidden from Mallory. I know if she saw them, she’d freak the fuck out.
I sit in my truck as she walks into the office, clutching Shay tightly as she makes her way inside.
I drum my fingers on the steering wheel, my gaze scanning the parking lot. I'm on edge. I fucking hate this shit; being constantly on the look–out, wondering when that cunt's going to turn up.
I see Bozo moving toward me. I slide out of the truck and meet him halfway. "What's up?"
"He's here," he snarls. "The black Ford Mondeo in the corner."
The vehicle pulled in less than a minute ago. I watched as the car entered the lot and parked. "You positive?"
He nods. "Oh yeah, it's him."
My grin is sinister. We finally have him. Fucking finally.
"He does not get close to the door," I hiss, my blood running cold as I see the cunt exit his vehicle.
"Yo, Micah," Cowboy greets with a big fucking smile. "Long time no see, my man. How are things?"