Page 27 of Kingdom Come
I read it a few times before signing with my phone number beneath. What I didn’t expect was to get a reply before shutting my computer down.
To: Elizabeth Monroe
From: Connor King
Subject: Regarding Help
Elizabeth. I like that. I think the first order of business is your unlawful occupation of my condo without paying rent. We should discuss that before anything else.I had to check my jaw as it hung open, ignoring his strange comment about my name. I didn’t have to think before I hit Reply.
To: Connor King
From: Elizabeth Monroe
Subject: No Help Needed
My lawyer would tell you, Mr. King, that I have written communication from your brother allowing me to stay in the condo in Soho. Any rent and any other legal communication should be sent to him. If you could just put me in touch with the artist, we can cease communication.Glued to my screen, I dumbly waited on a reply.
To: Elizabeth Monroe
From: Connor King
Subject: Repayment
My brother will be handled, and I can think of many ways you can repay me. First tell me, with a last name like Monroe, do you look anything like Marilyn?
An arrogant man indeed. He was certainly related to Kalen. I wondered if he looked anything like his gorgeous brother.
To: Connor King
From: Elizabeth Monroe
Subject: Non-starter
How I look shouldn’t matter. But to stop any further imaginings in your mind, the only thing Marilyn and I have in common is hair color. Though you are being an ass, I still would like the name of the artist. I’ll do my own digging.
My hope was he was a flirt and not a true jackass. Otherwise my one last hope to bring my company out of the red might be over.
To: Elizabeth Monroe
From: Connor King
Subject: True?
Are you a true blonde? There is a way to find out.
Egotistical… I exhaled before responding as my blood pressure rose.
To: Connor King
From: Elizabeth Monroe
Subject: Business only
I won’t dignify that with an answer. I’m looking to help the artist be seen. If you don’t know his or her name, please say so and we can stop. You have my phone number you can pass on to the artist. I have favorable terms for any art I sell. But I will not be answering any more emails.
I had my hand on my laptop poised to close it when a final email came through.
To: Elizabeth Monroe
From: Connor King
Subject: Contract
There will be no calls. The artist is gun-shy. Email the contract and I’ll get back to you. When do you need the art if he agrees?
Well, it was a he. Breaking the rule I’d just enacted, I sent another email with a copy of the standard contract, minus the special terms I gave my more widely known artists.
To: Connor King
From: Elizabeth Monroe
Subject: Contract terms
I’ve attached the contract. As the showing will be on Saturday, I’ll need the art in two days. Have the artist send me 5-10 pieces and I’ll look it over. As the contract states, there is no guarantee of placement or sales. I can arrange for pickup of the art if he prefers.
That time I did close the laptop. I was done with the conceited King. He was too full of himself. I bet he thought he could have any woman—or person, for that matter—he wanted.
I couldn’t help that he got my blood going. I found myself texting Striker three letters: DTF.ThirteenConnorNothing had ever gotten my dick harder than those three dirty letters texted by the blonde. Elizabeth wanted to know if I was down to fuck. I had had three letters in response. FML. Fuck my life. Damn, it was good.
When the Soho penthouse door opened, her lips were on mine. Soft and sweet. What was better was she stood in a lacy black bra and panties. Her tits may have been small, but damn if my mouth wasn’t watering.
I cupped her ass, and she obliged me by wrapping her legs around my waist. I carried her to the bedroom like the champ I was. I felt like beating my chest because I was the one who had the privilege to fuck her. Scissoring her legs, one up and one down, I was deep inside her when she hit the bed. I groaned as her leg easily extended so her foot was beside her head.
“Limber,” I said out of surprise.
“There’s so much you don’t know about me. Now shut up and fuck me.”
I could have come at that moment like a teenage boy. Holy shit, the woman did things to me no other had in maybe forever. I took her mouth in a kiss that spoke volumes I hoped she didn’t hear. She was making me weak, making me want her. I was losing control.
Then her inner walls clamped down on my cock until I was shooting rapid fire come shots at her bull’s-eye and damn if she didn’t sport a smirk. Game on.