Page 42 of Sunday Morning
It had to be part of his game. Isaac loved making people squirm and irritating them. He was an expert bear-poker.
“Sarah?” Eve yelled. “Matt’s on the phone!”
I ran to my bedroom from the hall bathroom and picked it up. Then I composed myself, letting out a slow breath and finding my weakest voice. “Hello,” I said as if I were on my last breath.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“No. I started my period. And I have terrible cramps.” I hadn’t started my period, but I needed an excuse to stay home. I couldn’t have sexandsort through the meaning of Isaac’s statement on the same day. But mostly, I couldn’t have sex again. How did all of those married women do it?Ithad to be a sacrifice as honorable as serving one’s country—a physical invasion all in the name of procreation. Ensuring the survival of humanity. Women weren’t simply loyal soldiers to a country; we were the Davids of the world, and sex was our Goliath.
“That sucks,” Matt said. “I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do?”
“No,” I faked a little groan at the end. “But you are sweet for asking.”
“I love you,” he said with disappointment in his words, like loving me was his consolation prize for the day.
I groaned, holding my stomach as if he could see me.
“Is it inconsiderate of me to ask how long it lasts?”
I flopped back onto my bed with my legs dangling over the side while I pinched the bridge of my nose. “You couldnever be inconsiderate. And it just depends. A week … maybe two.”
My periods were five days, but I was supposed to get my real period the following week, so I had to build in some extra time.
“I feel like in school, they said a week was the norm. If you’re having it for two weeks, maybe you should get it checked out.”
I rolled my eyes. Why did my boyfriend have to be so smart? He remembered how long a woman’s menstrual cycle lasted, but he didn’t remember the location of the clitoris?
“You’re right. I hope nothing is wrong with me,” I said, figuring I might buy even more time if he thought I was having serious female issues. “Maybe we should wait until I get things checked out.”
“You should ask your mom.”
“Maybe,” I said, staring at the speckled texture on the ceiling that had a yellowish-brown stain from a roof leak. “Did you ask Isaac to take Heather to a movie so we could … you know?”
“No. Why?”
“Well, when he dropped off eggs at the farm stand, he said that’s why he took her to the movie. When’s the last time he had a girlfriend?”
“I don’t know. He’s been in the Army. I suppose he might have met someone and had something short, but nothing we ever heard anything about. Why do you ask?”
“I just wondered if he’s ever been serious about anyone or anything for that matter.”
“He’s loyal to the family and the ranch. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for our parents,” Matt said, and it made me pause for a moment. Was hedefendinghis brother?
“Funny.” I chuckled. “He calls you PC.”
“Perfect child.”
“Well, I’m not anymore,” Matt said, and I didn’t miss his suggestive tone.
I imagined him waggling his eyebrows.
“Sorry to disappoint you, but you weren’t perfect before we didit.”
“Duh. Yes, I know, Sarah.”
“Listen, I’m going to bed early. Okay?”