Page 46 of Sunday Morning
Mom shrugged. “Then I can’t help you. But from the sounds of things, you need to pray about it and follow your heart. Do what you think God would want you to do.”
That was just it. I had no clue what God wanted me to do. While Wesley broke one of the Ten Commandments, I didn’t. Technically, I didn’t know who it was, and I didn’t see his actual thingy inside of her, so saying otherwise would have been bearing false witness. Right?
“I’ll pray about it,” I mumbled.
“Come help set the table. Dinner is almost done,” Mom called, heading toward the stairs.
Two seconds later, Eve poked her head into my room. “Where did you get that guitar?”
I looked up, twisting my lips for a beat. “Shut my door,” I whispered.
She frowned and spun on her heel shutting the door.
I hopped off the bed and quickly opened it. “I meant to stay in my room and shut the door.”
Eve’s lips parted into a silent “oh,” and she slipped back into my room and shut the door. My sixteen-year-old sister wasn’t my first choice when I had a secret, but in a pinch, she worked.
I folded my hands at my mouth and mumbled past them. “I need to tell you something.”
“You’re pregnant.”
“What?” I winced, dropping my hands to my sides.
She shrugged. “Sorry. But Erin thinks you’ll end up pregnant since you’ve been dating Matt for so long, and sex is forbidden, but everyone gravitates toward the forbidden.”
“I’m not pregnant.”
She widened her brown eyes. “Butareyou having sex? I won’t tell anyone. I promise.” Her nose wrinkled. “I want to have it.” Eve didn’t have a boyfriend, so I wasn’t sure who she wanted to have sex with.
I shook my head. “Eve, just ... focus. I need to tell someone what I saw, but I can’t tell Matt or Mom and Dad. And I don’t know if I can tell Heather since she might have a crush on Matt’s brother, but I’m losing my mind. I have to tell someone.”
“What?” Eve whispered, leaning forward, eyes unblinking.
“The guitar,” I nodded toward it, “is Isaac’s. He let me borrow it. And when I went up to his room to get it from his closet, I heard something.” I covered my face with my hands, feeling second-hand embarrassment. “Wesley Cory was having sex with another woman,” I mumbled behind my hands.
“What?” Eve said, grabbing my wrists to pull my hands away from my face.
Pressing my lips together, I bobbed my head. “Matt’s dad is cheating on his mom,” I whispered.
Eve’s eyes tried to pop out of their sockets while her jaw unhinged.
“I don’t know what to do.”
“You have to tell Matt,” she said.
I shook my head. “I can’t do that. It would ruin their family. And Wesley would find out it was me who ratted him out. We live on his land, in a house he owns, and there have been so many times that I know Mom and Dad haven’t had the full amount of rent, but Wesley overlooks it because Dad is his pastor and I’m dating Matt.”
“I don’t know.” She ran her hands through her hair. “I don’t know what to tell you to do. This is awful. But you have to tell someone.”
I chewed on my thumbnail. “What if I don’t have to tell anyone? It’s not my job to be the moral police. You know? Thou shalt not judge. I should leave that to God. We’ve all done things we wished we wouldn’t have done. How would you like it if someone called you out every time you made a mistake? If Wesley feels guilty, then he’ll confess. But it’s not like he’s breaking the law. Had I found a dead body in their house, I would say something.”
“Sarah,” Eve rolled her eyes. “You have to say something. If Matt finds out you knew and said nothing, he’ll break up with you. And he may never forgive you.”
“Well, I’ve only told you, so if he finds out I knew, I’ll know who told him.” I crossed my arms and eyed her with a hard gaze.
“If Matt knew Dad was cheating on Mom, would you want him to tell you?”
Had she asked me that a week earlier, I would have said yes. But I was no longer a doe-eyed virgin. “No.” I tipped up my chin.