Page 94 of Sunday Morning
“Of course, I’d hide the meaning behind more poetic lyrics as all the good songwriters do.” He continued to pluck the strings and adjust the sound.
“What are you going to sing? Are you any good?” I dismissed all other topics that involved his fingers inside of me, even if it was the best sexual experience of my life thus far.
“I’m going to do a little Jackson Browne and Tom Petty. Why? Do you have any requests?”
“I like Jackson Browne and Tom Petty. Which songs? We could sing together, so technically, it’s not just me singing.”
He chuckled. “You’re relentless.”
“Hypothetically, if I did what Lenny said, would you let me sing with you?”
“Did what Lenny said?” Isaac glanced up at me, eyes narrowed.
A few seconds later, the realization hit, and he shook his head. “Baby, don’t ever suck a man’s dick for anything except you having a good old hankering for it. Okay?”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
It was rare, but Isaac Cory blushed while keeping his gaze on his hands. “Let’s find a seat for you.”
“Is that a yes?”
“We’ll continue this discussion at the motel.” He returned his guitar to its case and took my hand.
“Why?” I followed him toward the saloon doors.
“Because you talk big when you know no one’s going to immediately call your bluff. So later,” he stopped just before pushing through the doors and turned toward me, “when we’re alone in a room with two beds and a heavier dose of reality, we’ll discuss your plans to get on stage.”
I lifted my chin and made duck lips. “Fine.”
There was no way I was sucking anyone’s dick. I was only curious about the price of fame—window shopping of sorts.
Isaac couldn’t find a table for me by the stage because most of the area was an open dance floor. So he sat me at the end of the bar with a Pepsi and instructions for Lenny to help keep an eye on me.
I watched with envy as Isaac took the stage, and everyone clapped. A group of women on the opposite side of the stage whistled and hooted at him. It was different than girls at school salivating over Matt because my boyfriend ignored the other girls.
Not Isaac; he shot a huge smile toward their table and winked.
“So how long have you known, Isaac?” Lenny hollered from behind the bar.
“Um, I’m not sure. His brother and I graduated together. So our families have known each other for years.” I dismissed Matt as someone I graduated with, and it fed the cancerous guilt in my gut. “What was Isaac like in the Army?”
Lenny laughed while filling a mug with beer. “Tough as nails. Smarter than everyone else combined. Loyal. Prettymuch the perfect candidate for any position. I said he could go far if he wanted it to be his career, but he said the legacy of the family’s ranch depended on him returning and taking things over someday. From what I gathered, their family must own a lot of land.”
I nodded. “They basically own all the land in Devil’s Head.”
Isaac’s voice drew my attention back to the stage as he started singing “Somebody’s Baby.”I loved that song. And I loved that when he sang it, he looked at me instead of the women on the other side of the stage trying so hard to get his attention with their boobs spilling out of their shirts and dresses.
For the next hour, I fell a little more in love with Isaac Cory, his rich voice, and flirty grin. Isaac was living my dream.
After the final song and a huge crowd of people applauding, he exited the stage and set his guitar case on the end of the bar before wedging himself between my legs on the bar stool. “You’re such a distraction in this dress,” he whispered in my ear before biting my earlobe.
I didn’t know if it was his gravelly voice (a little worn from singing), his hands on my thighs, or his actual words, but it did something to me. And all I wanted was to kiss him.
That was a lie. I wanted to do so much more than kiss him.
But we were in a public place, so I settled for a kiss, the kind that felt a little too intimate for an audience.