Page 42 of Traitors Gate
Beth said nothing.
• • •
Collins parked the Mercedes about a hundred yards from Mansion House and switched off the engine. He pointed to a grey Jaguar on the corner of Walbrook.
Miles, briefcase in hand, got out of the car and made his way slowly across the road. He remained in the shadows until he recognized a familiar figure seated behind the wheel of the Jaguar. Miles opened the back door, slipped inside and crouched down in the far corner.
‘What if someone should ask who I am?’ were his opening words.
‘If you put on my cap, they’ll assume you’re just another driver waiting for his boss.’
‘That would be a first.’
‘One of many, I suspect,’ suggested Harris, ‘if we’re going to end up working together. Forgive me for asking, Mr Faulkner, but what made you change your mind?’
‘Let’s just say it’s personal and leave it at that. Though I’mpuzzled why you’re willing to take such a risk when if you were caught, you could end up spending the rest of your life in jail.’
‘Or worse.’
‘What could possibly be worse?’
‘It’s treason even to attempt to steal the Crown Jewels and remains one of the few crimes left on the statute books you can still be hanged for.’
‘Then I repeat, why take the risk?’
‘A million pounds is incentive enough when the alternative is eking out an existence on a pension of eleven thousand four hundred pounds a year for the rest of my life. Something you wouldn’t begin to understand.’
‘But your family?’
‘I’m divorced, no kids. But I still have alimony payments hanging around my neck along with a stack of unopened brown envelopes on my desk, and an overdraft limit I reached some time ago, not to mention I’ve got a bookie who’s threatening to break an arm and a leg if I haven’t settled my account by the end of the month. Frankly, it’s a far bigger risk for you.’
This wasn’t the time to let Harris know he had no intention of stealing the Crown Jewels, only of ending the careers of three men and one woman who’d crossed him once too often.
‘So what will you do with your million?’ asked Miles. ‘Because one thing’s for certain, you won’t be able to settle down in the country and enjoy a long and well-earned retirement.’
‘I will be flying to Mexico on the same day while leaving all my debts behind. And don’t forget that Mexico is a country that doesn’t bother with extradition treaties, but they do have a police force who are happy to supplement their incomewith bribes. However, I’ll also need a new identity and a new passport, which Danny tells me is one of your specialities.’
‘That’s the easy part, assuming you make it to the airport,’ said Miles, leaving an implied threat hanging in the air.
‘If I don’t, they will already have caught you.’ Miles was beginning to realize he couldn’t afford to underestimate Harris. ‘Before you leave,’ said the chauffeur, not looking around, ‘don’t forget my hundred grand.’
Miles placed the briefcase on the front seat. ‘I’ll be in touch,’ he said as he got out of the car. ‘I don’t know what else Danny told you, but be warned, I’m a mean loser.’
BRUCELAMONT REFLECTED FOR Amoment on the conversation he’d had the previous day with his new boss, whom he’d first met after he’d arrested him for fraud. However, since then he’d had to leave the force in what might be described as unfortunate circumstances. Faulkner had quickly taken advantage of those circumstances, and become his paymaster on an ad hoc basis. Cash, no tax, no prospects and no pension. What one might describe as ‘role reversal’.
The fact that he’d called him Bruce when he phoned, and not Lamont, rather suggested how much he needed his particular skills for his latest questionable project, whatever that might be. He knew the words ‘be sure no one else knows you’re coming to see me’ referred to Mr Booth Watson QC and his boss’s ex-wife Christina, both of whom he had worked for in the past. And he suspected they’d be off-limits for the foreseeable future.
After he’d gone for an early morning run, taken a shower and shaved, he selected a double-breasted, dark grey flannelsuit, blue shirt and a navy silk tie for the meeting. He then polished his shoes a second time as this was clearly going to be a job interview.
He’d left himself more than enough time to make the journey from Hammersmith to Chelsea, and was just about to leave when his wife said, ‘Where are you off to at this time in the morning?’
‘To see my bank manager,’ he replied, hoping he sounded convincing.
The raised eyebrow rather suggested she didn’t believe him. He’d closed the front door before she could ask any more questions.
Lamont didn’t head for the nearest tube station, but hailed a cab, an unusual expense, but he couldn’t afford to arrive not looking at his best for this appointment. He was dropped outside Faulkner’s home on Cadogan Place with twenty minutes to spare, so he walked slowly around the block, looking in shop windows at goods he couldn’t afford. He was back outside the front door at three minutes to ten.