Page 46 of Traitors Gate
Ross would like to have told the jury that Simpson’s nephew was the son of a local drug dealer, and undoubtedly his contact in the playground, but that wasn’t something he could refer to in his report.
After it became clear Ross wasn’t going to respond, Booth Watson looked directly at the witness and said, ‘Of the eleven questions I’ve put to you, Inspector, you’ve only managed to answer five. So I think it shouldn’t be too difficult for the jury to decide whether on this occasion you were playing the role of a good cop, or,’ he paused, ‘a not so good cop. No more questions, my Lord,’ he declared, his eyes never leaving the jury as he slumped back down in his place.
Mr Justice Roberts turned his attention back to prosecuting counsel and asked, ‘Do you wish to re-examine this witness, Sir Julian?’
‘Just a couple of questions, m’Lud,’ he said as he rose from his place. ‘Inspector, may I ask how old your daughter is?’
‘Jojo is eight, sir.’
‘And do you, by any chance, know how old the defendant’s nephew Kevin is?’
‘Yes, I was able to confirm that Mr Simpson has a nephew at St Luke’s who is sixteen.’
‘And as a seeker after the truth, which my learned friend seems so concerned about,’ said Sir Julian, turning to face the judge, ‘I should point out that Kevin Simpson will be seventeen in two weeks’ time.’
‘Is this leading anywhere, Sir Julian?’ enquired the judge.
‘Not directly, I must admit,’ conceded Sir Julian. ‘However, I don’t know many seventeen-year-old boys who need to be picked up from school by an uncle before being taken home.’
A little laughter broke out in the court and Sir Julian was pleased to see one or two members of the jury had got the message.
‘That was uncalled for, Sir Julian,’ remonstrated the judge, who, turning to the jury, said, ‘you must dismiss that suggestion from your minds and not allow it to influence you when you retire to consider your verdict in this case.’
But will they dismiss it, wondered Sir Julian before adding, ‘No more questions, m’Lud.’
The judge turned his attention back to Inspector Hogan and said, ‘Inspector, you can leave the witness box.’ He looked at his watch and, turning to the jury, pronounced, ‘I think that will be enough for today.’
He finally reminded them not to discuss the case with anyone other than their fellow jury members and that included their families. ‘I look forward to seeing you all again in themorning,’ he added, giving the five men and seven women a beneficent smile.
‘All rise!’ bellowed the clerk at the top of his voice.
Everyone obeyed the order and bowed as the judge left the court. When Ross stepped out of the witness box, the same juror caught his eye and smiled. He didn’t acknowledge her. Sir Julian apologized for how long he’d had to hang around before being called, and thanked him for his contribution.
Once he was back on the street, Ross headed for the nearest tube station and was taken by surprise when the persistent juror reappeared by his side.
‘Hi Ross,’ she said, almost running along beside him. ‘Am I allowed to speak to you?’
‘No,’ he replied, not stopping. ‘At least not until after a verdict has been reached.’
‘It’s just that I wanted to find out more about what it was like being Princess Di’s personal bodyguard?’
‘Protection officer,’ said Ross, who didn’t stop walking. ‘And as I made clear, not until the trial is over.’
‘Can I give you my telephone number?’ she asked.
Ross gave her a second look.
• • •
‘Its simplicity is its genius,’ said Lamont once Miles had come to the end of his monologue. ‘I’ve never known a crime where the victim willingly hands over the “swag” without being threatened.’
‘But only because they’ll think they’re handing over the “swag” to a member of their own team.’
‘But it’s still one hell of a risk you’d be taking, when you consider the consequences.’
‘You’ll be taking it,’ said Miles. ‘But if you can get your timing right, everything else should fall into place with the added bonus it will be Warwick who ends up in the dock. Any recent updates on what he’s been up to?’
‘You’ll already know he’s been promoted to Chief Superintendent, but you may not be aware that he’s being strongly tipped as a future commissioner.’