Page 56 of Traitors Gate
Once Lamont had signed on the bottom line and put down a deposit of £1,200 in cash, he told the salesman he would return and pick up the car in a few days’ time. Following the inevitable shaking of hands, Lamont left the Mayfair showroom and made his way across to Park Lane, where he shook hands with another second-hand car salesman.
‘I’m looking for a Land Rover, preferably last year’s model, with a few thousand miles on the clock.’
‘I have half a dozen cars that fall into that category, sir,’ said the salesman. ‘Were you looking for any particular colour?’
‘Grey,’ said Lamont.
• • •
‘How much do I have in my current account?’ asked Christina.
‘If you’ll give me a moment, madam, I’ll check,’ said the accounts manager.
Christina paced around the room with the phone attached to her ear as she waited for him to come back on the line.
‘At close of business last night, madam, you were one hundred and thirty-four thousand, seven hundred and twelve pounds in credit.’
‘I’ll be dropping by tomorrow morning and making a withdrawal of one hundred and thirty thousand pounds, in cash,’ she warned him.
There was a long pause before the account manager said, ‘As you wish, madam.’
Christina put the phone down and checked the number on his card, before she began to dial the eleven digits.
‘Percy Singleton,’ said a voice.
‘Percy, it’s Christina. How much would you be willing to sell the Singleton Rack for?’
‘Wow, Christina, you don’t hang about. But I have to warn you I’ve had several offers in the past north of two hundred thousand.’
‘But none of them in cash, would be my bet. So I repeat, how much?’
‘A hundred and fifty thousand?’
‘One hundred and twenty,’ countered Christina.
‘Let’s say one forty, shall we?’
‘A hundred and thirty thousand is my final offer.’
‘And a hundred and thirty-five is mine,’ said Percy.
‘Done,’ Christina heard herself saying, aware it would leave her account overdrawn for the first time in years. But not for long. ‘Shall we meet in the museum café tomorrow morning at, say, eleven?’ she added. ‘And don’t forget to bring the rack.’
‘I most certainly won’t,’ replied Percy. ‘Any hope of taking you to lunch at my club afterwards, to celebrate?’
‘No, but I could join you for dinner at the Ritz.’
‘I’VE JUST HAD A HEADS-UPfrom a well-placed colleague that a serious allegation against Inspector Hogan is working its way through the system,’ said the commander even before William had closed the door.
‘Who’s he pissed off this time?’ asked William, taking a seat opposite the Hawk.
‘I’m afraid it’s more serious than that,’ said the Hawk. ‘A young woman has come forward and made a statement claiming she was a juror in the Simpson drugs case where he gave evidence on behalf of the Crown, and he asked her out for a drink.’
‘That’s foolish, but not an offence.’
‘Unless he contacted her while the trial was still in progress.’