Page 70 of Traitors Gate
‘For a short time, yes, but it didn’t last much longer. It quickly became clear that I’d served my purpose, and he was ready to move on.’
Booth Watson switched his attention to the jury, delighted to see every eye was fixed on his client, and one or two of them looked sympathetic.
‘And what made you come forward and make a statement to the police?’ asked Booth Watson.
‘I finally admitted to my husband I’d had an affair, and he advised me that telling the police was nothing less than my duty. Not least because he—’ she said, looking at Hogan for the first time, ‘might well be preying on other women, and who knows how many more there have been in the past?’
‘M’Lady,’ said Sir Julian, no longer able to control his feelings. ‘Is this witness going to be allowed to be both judge and jury?’
‘I agree,’ said Mrs Justice Stephens, and turning her attention to the jury instructed, ‘You will ignore the witness’s last statement. It was both hearsay and prejudicial and will therefore be ruled inadmissible. Final warning, Mr Booth Watson.’
‘Mea culpa, m’Lady,’ said Booth Watson, well aware it might be ruled inadmissible but not erased from the jurors’ minds. ‘Allow me to end with something that is neither prejudicialnor hearsay,’ he continued, looking directly up at the judge. ‘Mrs Dawson made a recording of her final conversation with Inspector Hogan, which has only just come to light, and with your permission …’
‘Only just come to light?’ said Sir Julian. ‘I doubt that …’
‘I was under the illusion, Sir Julian, that I was the judge in this case, and it may surprise you to know I would like to hear the tape.’
‘But it wasn’t presented in the pre-trial bundle of evidence, m’Lady, so I haven’t had a chance to consider—’
‘And neither have I,’ admitted the judge. ‘So it will be of interest to us both, and when it comes to cross-examining this witness, Sir Julian, be assured I will give you considerable latitude.’
Sir Julian could barely control himself as Booth Watson nodded to his junior, who was sitting behind him. He touched the play button on his Grundig tape recorder, while everyone waited in anticipation.
‘We convicted him, Ross, but I wouldn’t have been able to convince the jury of his guilt if you hadn’t told me he had a record as long as your arm.’
‘I’m glad you felt that was helpful.’
‘I kept my word and didn’t tell anyone on the jury that we’d had a private conversation the night before the jury reached its verdict.’
‘Better to keep it that way.’
‘The last few days have been among the happiest of my life, Ross, and now the trial is over, I’m looking forward to getting to know you even better.’
‘Me too.’
‘Can I come to your place this evening?’
‘I’ll look forward to that.’
‘Then I’ll see you at eight. Goodnight, my darling.’
‘Goodnight, Kay.’
Ross began furiously scribbling a note which he handed to an usher who took it across to defence counsel. After Sir Julian had read it, he was not at all surprised to learn that although his client’s words were exactly what he’d said, Mrs Dawson’s must have been inserted sometime later. He sent a sticker back to Ross in the dock asking if he’d also recorded the conversation and, when he turned around, was disappointed to see his client shaking his head. He began to wonder just how far BW would go to secure a conviction and who his paymaster was.
Having scored an open goal, Booth Watson moved on to his next question. ‘Mrs Dawson,’ he continued, sounding even more confident. ‘Did the defendant ever contact you again?’
‘No, not once,’ replied the witness, almost in a whisper, a tear running down her cheek.
‘Bang on cue,’ whispered Sir Julian.
‘Thank you, Mrs Dawson, for your brave and honest contribution, which I am sure the jury will appreciate.’ Booth Watson sank back onto the counsel’s bench before the judge could rebuke him.
Mrs Justice Stephens closed her red book, put the top back on her fountain pen and said, ‘Perhaps this would be a good time to take a short break.’ She then asked everyone involved in the case to be back in their places in twenty minutes when defence counsel would begin his cross-examination of the witness. Without seeking a second opinion, she rose from her place and left the courtroom, with loud chattering and several opinions following in her wake.
Grace was among the first to offer an opinion. ‘The tape didn’t help our cause.’
‘Even though it was clearly doctored,’ said Sir Julian, quietly seething like a volcano about to erupt.