Page 76 of Traitors Gate
Sir Julian sat back and basked in his daughter’s triumph. But once the jury had retired, he couldn’t resist leaning across and asking, ‘What was the risk that Booth Watson would have taken, and I wouldn’t?’
‘One two zero two one nine eight six,’ said Grace. Sir Julian waited for his daughter to enlighten him. ‘It’s simply the date and year the watch was made.’ She paused and smiled at her father. ‘Booth Watson worked it out immediately, but the judge, who’d also worked it out, didn’t allow him to come to his client’s rescue.’
‘You were right,’ he said. ‘It was a risk I wouldn’t havetaken.’ Sir Julian was about to ask another question when the jury returned and took their places in the box.
The judge nodded to the clerk who rose and said, ‘Will the foreman please rise.’
The only jury member dressed in a suit stood and looked up at the judge.
‘Have you reached a verdict?’
‘We have, m’Lady.’
‘Do you find the prisoner at the bar guilty or not guilty?’ asked the clerk.
‘Not guilty,’ said the foreman without hesitation.
Mrs Justice Stephens looked down from the bench and, addressing Booth Watson directly, pronounced, ‘I intend to send the case papers to the DPP. No doubt you will inform your client of the seriousness of my decision.’
Booth Watson rose slowly from his place. He bowed meekly and said, ‘I will indeed, m’Lady, but be assured, I had no idea—’
‘Of course you didn’t,’ said Sir Julian, loud enough for the judge to hear, but this time no admonition was forthcoming.
The judge then turned her attention to the dock and declared with finality, ‘Inspector Hogan, you are free to leave the court and I wish you well.’ The jury all smiled for the first time.
The judge made no attempt to stop the applause that followed, even though she hadn’t left the court. The journalists were the first out of the door, already on their mobiles, not needing to demand, ‘Hold the front page.’
The two security guards were the first to shake hands with Ross before he stepped out of the dock to join his colleagues. William gave him an uncharacteristic hug and said, ‘Welcome back, old friend.’
Ross walked across to join Sir Julian, shook hands with him and said, ‘Thank you, sir.’
‘It’s not me you should thank,’ responded Sir Julian, ‘but my clever daughter who saved the day.’
Grace didn’t suffer from her father’s inhibitions and hugged her client as if he were a football player who’d just scored the winning goal.
Ross continued to shake hands with several well-wishers, some of whom he didn’t even know, while his eyes went on searching for the one person he wanted to hug, but there was no sign of her.
The Hawk and William accompanied the victor out of court, down the wide sweeping staircase and back out onto the street, leaving the Old Bailey behind them. William was just about to suggest they go and celebrate when Ross spotted her standing on the other side of the road. He left them and walked slowly across to join Alice.
‘There must be easier ways to pick up a girl,’ she said.
‘I must remember to thank Reg Simpson when I next see him,’ said Ross as he took her in his arms. ‘About the only good thing he’s ever done in his life.’
The Hawk looked across at the two of them as they walked away hand in hand. ‘I do believe one of our problems may have been solved.’
‘I’ll miss Jojo,’ was all William had to say on the subject.
JOJO KEPT LOOKING TOWARDS THEdoor, hoping her father would appear, but there was still no sign of him. Artemisia unfolded a copy of the 1597 map of the Tower of London and laid it out on the kitchen table in front of them. Five pairs of eyes peered down.
‘First, you need to know where the Martin Tower is,’ began Jojo, pointing to an A on the map, ‘because that was where the Crown Jewels were stored in 1671. Not as they are today in a modern fortified Jewel House.’
‘Also keep an eye on the East Gate,’ said Peter, ‘little C, as it shows where Blood and his three conspirators entered the grounds unobserved.’
‘And later left in a hurry by the same route,’ prompted Artemisia.
‘With or without the Crown Jewels?’ asked William.