Page 20 of An Eye for an Eye
‘Then you’ll have to find a judge who’s happy to see his photograph on the front page of every newspaper in the Western world, when he has to explain how everyone except him had worked out I was innocent and that he was the man responsible for the British having to withdraw from the arms deal. I suspect you’ll get the odd mention as well.’
The Governor hesitated for a moment before he said, ‘I don’t suppose the French will worry too much about that.’
‘But your new enlightened ruler might,’ came back Simon, ‘when he readsThe Timesand discovers that you were responsible for charging me, which I note you still haven’t done.’
The Governor picked up his pace stick.
‘Not advisable, Governor,’ said Simon, ‘as I suspect you’re well aware I’m meeting the British Ambassador tomorrow, and it might not be wise for me to look as if I’ve just been beaten up.’
‘You think you’re very clever, don’t you, Hartley?’
‘No, but I have a feeling you’ve already worked out that this is going to end in one of two ways, so all you have to decide is which horse to back, because I suspect Mr Hani Khalil is not the odds-on favourite any longer.’
The Governor banged his pace stick on the table, but Simon didn’t flinch. ‘We will continue this conversation after you’ve seen your Ambassador.’
‘Which should give you more than enough time to make up your mind, Governor,’ said Simon.
‘Are you threatening me, Hartley?’ shouted the Governor.
This time, Simon did allow himself a thin smile and for a moment couldn’t help wondering if this would become a case study at Harvard Business School. Funny what crosses your mind when you’re possibly facing death, thought Simon. But he knew he wouldn’t hear the other side of the story until he saw the Ambassador.
After being dragged back to his cell, he spent another sleepless night.
The following day, the same routine was carried out, but this time he was greeted by a friendly smile from the person sitting on the other side of the table.
‘I’m only sorry, Simon, that we should have to meet again in such unfortunate circumstances,’ said the British Ambassador,as the two men shook hands. Sir Bernard looked across at Simon, who had sprouted an unkempt beard and had grown so thin that he hardly recognized him. ‘I would have come sooner,’ he said, ‘but the authorities couldn’t have made it more difficult for me to arrange a meeting.’
‘That’s because the murderer is one of them,’ said Simon. ‘Prince Ahmed bin Majid.’
The Ambassador didn’t react as Simon continued. ‘Don’t forget, I witnessed the murder,’ he reminded him, ‘which is why I’m a pawn that can be sacrificed to ensure the French get the contract, and Prince Ahmed ends up with an even larger percentage.’
‘Not necessarily,’ said Sir Bernard, this time taking Simon by surprise.
‘You mean we’re still in with a chance of landing the contract?’ said Simon, unable to hide his disbelief.
‘All I can tell you,’ replied the Ambassador, ‘is that the Minister of Defence still plans to visit London and Paris next month before he makes a final decision. However, I’m reliably informed that the French have offered Prince Ahmed another five per cent if they get the deal.’
‘That’s fifty million a year for the next three years,’ said Simon, ‘of which, no doubt, ten per cent will end up in Khalil’s back pocket, so he can retire and live in the lap of luxury.’
‘I’m rather hoping he’ll end his days in this place’, said Sir Bernard, ‘sharing a cell with his friend Prince Ahmed.’
‘I wouldn’t bet on that,’ said Simon.
‘But what I can’t work out,’ said the Ambassador, ‘is why Prince Ahmed had to kill Conti when the Italians were never serious contenders for the contract.’
‘You don’t have to look further than Avril Dubois,’ said Simon. ‘I think you’ll find the Prince simply lost his temperwhen he saw her with another man, and when they needed a scapegoat, I was conveniently on hand. But I still don’t know if it was all part of Khalil’s plan, or whether I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.’
‘I suspect the latter,’ said the Ambassador, ‘but it doesn’t make my job any easier, because Miss Dubois is a British citizen, and her life is now in danger.’
‘Another pawn,’ said Simon, ‘who can so easily be removed from the board, while they have the King.’
Sir Bernard smiled for the first time, and without explanation said, ‘But don’t forget we have the Queen.’
COMMANDERHAWKSBY ANDCHIEFSUPERINTENDENTWilliam Warwick left Old Scotland Yard at 8.30 a.m. and walked briskly across to King Charles Street. Their only topic of conversation was the latest score in the first Test match against the West Indies.