Page 38 of Secret Bump
“Together?” she asks hopefully.
I can’t say no to that.
I catch her hand and kiss her knuckles one by one. “On one condition.”
Her eyes dance as she reads my face. “No sex?”
“Just not yet.”
“Why not?” She gestures at the wet spot on my pants. “That was sex, really. In a way.”
“Butin a wayisn’t the same thing. And I want to show you that Icanwait, after I couldn’t…after I didn’t when we first met.” I turn her hand so I can kiss her palm, and then I look her in the eyes. “If I ask you to marry me this morning, will you say yes?”
She thinks about it. Really thinks about it. And before she opens her mouth, I know the answer is still no.
“I want to,” she says softly.
“But not yet,” I growl.
Fearless, she presses her hand to my cheek. “Saying no when I want to say yes is really hard.”
But she can’t lie, so she has to gut me with the truth instead. “I understand.”
“I dowantto say yes.” And then she kisses me so sweetly I can’t argue with her. Of course, we need to wait. Of course, she needs more time.
But as long as her answer isnot yet, then that’s my answer about sex, too.
My understandingonly stretches so far, though. After a full day of work at the office, watching her work studiously in one of her new outfits, I’m aching to have to her in my arms again.
It’s a miracle I didn’t take her on my desk again. The restraint I’ve shown is remarkable.
So when she wants to go back to her own apartment that night, I put my foot down. “Absolutely not. We’re going home together.”
“That’s not my home.”
“It will be when you marry me. Consider this practice.”
“Are you going to take no for an answer?”
“To proposals? Yes. To where you sleep tonight? No.”
She chews on her bottom lip. “Are you going to demand I sleep naked again?”
She doesn’t look like she hates the answer. But she’s going to try to push my limits. “Are you going to sleep naked, too?”
“Not until we’re engaged.”
She laughs and throws her hands in the air. “Who knew you were so old-fashioned?”
Not me. But it feels right.
A week passes.A week of bedtime kisses and early morning make outs. She gets on her knees and takes me in her mouth in the shower one morning and I’m helpless to stop her.
As I’m cumming in her mouth, I tell her that I love her and she smiles sweetly at me.