Page 23 of Doubling Down
Ezra placed his hand over Eric’s. It was nice to have something to hang on to. “I don’t feel well,” he admitted. He should have called Dom. He wouldn’t be in this position otherwise.
“I know,” Eric said. “It’s going to be fine. We’ll get Annabelle settled and you into bed. I have someone that can check you out.”
“I have insurance,” Ezra made sure that he told Eric. The perks of working for Jesse Lambert were why Ezra had worked so hard to get the job. “Good insurance.”
“That’s great. My brother is a nurse. He works part-time at the hospital. He’ll be able to tell us if we need to get you to the doctor.”
“Nah, I took Annabelle. The doctor said she needed to work it out of her system. He didn’t even prescribe her any medications.”
“That’s good to know. I’m not surprised that you caught the bug while taking care of her.”
“She’s such a sweetheart even when she’s sick. She just wants to be held and cuddled.”
“Don’t we all,” Eric commented.
“I know I do.” Oh damn, Ezra didn’t mean to say that. “I mean—”
Eric’s warm chuckle filled the quiet vehicle. “I know what you meant, and I approve. Let’s make sure you aren’t sicker than we think, and you can have all the cuddles you could ever want.”
Ezra nearly made Eric swear to keep that promise but that was probably silly. This entire night was just unbelievable. He was shocked seeing Eric in jeans, a black T-shirt, and a gold badge around his neck. Eric was a cop. That was nuts!
“You’re really a cop?”
Eric stiffened. The fingers on his knees tightened. Ezra curled his fingers around Eric’s. He didn’t want Eric to pull away.
“Should I be worried about working at the casino? Is it safe?” Even though he needed the money and benefits, he couldn’t risk himself. He was all Annabelle had.
“I don’t think you’re in any danger. We’re investigating some of the employees but it had nothing to do with you,” Eric confirmed.
“Us?” Was Eric spying on them? “Wait! Did you investigate me?” Ezra demanded. Anger cleared his mind. The fogginess easing away.
“Everyone at the coffee shop is good. Most of the employees are, in fact. It’s just a few…and I didn’t investigate you. My lieutenant ran a basic background on every employee in Lambert Entertainment, but he didn’t share those reports. He provided relevant information on some targets. You weren’t included.”
Ezra didn’t even know why he was so irritated. It wasn’t like he had anything to hide. Well except for the fact he was raised by assholes but that wouldn’t be in his background. Actually, he did know why he was so pissed off. He had fallen for someone who had been lying to him for months. Ezra hated liars. His entire upbringing had been full of lies.
“I will explain what I can after I talk to my boss.”
Was that good enough? Something to think about when his head wasn’t pounding and he didn’t feel like throwing up. Closing his eyes, Ezra leaned his forehead against the cool passenger-side window. It felt amazing on his hot skin. There was really no doubt that he’d picked up whatever bug his sweet baby girl had brought home from daycare.
“Just rest. We’ll be home soon.”
They weren’t going to his home. Ezra hadn’t ever had one of those. Never had a place that he knew he would be safe and unconditionally loved. That was what home meant to him.
His parents had only shown him affection if he had made them proud. The others in the church had been far more involved in his raising than Ezra now knew was normal. It was one of the reasons that Ezra kept his circle small. No one would ever make decisions regarding his baby girl except Ezra.
Home was a pipe dream that Ezra had given up on until he’d been blessed with his little girl. She made him want things that seemed to be out of reach. Someday, Ezra told himself. Once he had more money, was better established, he would give Annabelle everything he’d never had. Ezra just needed more time.
He must have dozed again.
He jerked as Eric gently shook his shoulder. “I’m awake.”
“I’m going to get Annabelle out of her car seat, then I’ll come around for you. Just give me a minute.”
Even though Ezra wanted to insist that he was fine and he could take care of his girl, he realized that it was safer to allow Eric to handle her. It wasn’t easy to give up that control. Annabelle had always been his. No help from family. He barely trusted a few friends to even be near her. He should probably call Dom. Was Ezra seriously going home with someone he barely knew and relying on them to care for him and Annabelle? What was wrong with him?
The door opened and only the seat belt kept him from falling out.