Page 28 of Doubling Down
“Then go ahead.”
“I have a friend that has a mentor. He’s into a little heavier dynamic than what I’m looking for.”
Jesse nodded in encouragement.
“Do you…have you ever…”
“I would be more than happy to help introduce you into the lifestyle. I can’t say that I would make this offer to many people, but I’m trusting you with my entire life. I would be happy to pay you back for that with this.”
“I appreciate that,” Eric said sincerely.
“You have my number. Use it for more than just work.”
The relief that he had backup in his new lifestyle choice was overwhelming.
“You really don’t have anything going on with Lake?”
“I have a boy of my own,” Eric said. “As soon as he agrees.”
Eric chuckled.
“As far as I know, Lake is completely single.” Eric knew that for a fact. “We’re just friends. I do care about him though.” There was a warning in the words. Eric didn’t think Jesse would screw Lake over on purpose, but Lake was a gentle soul.
Jesse grunted. “I may spend some time in the playroom tonight. Thank you.”
Eric nodded as he rose. “I’ll give you an update in a few days.”
“Sounds good.” Jesse held out his hand. “And call me anytime. About anything.”
“I’ll do that.” He left the other man sitting at the table, staring toward the front door as Eric made his way out of the club. Lake was busy checking in other patrons, so Eric waved but didn’t stop to talk.
The elevator took him to the parking garage where he could hurry home.
* * * * *
Brandon leapt up from the couch and ran over to the front window. “He’s home!” There was audible relief in his voice.
Ezra had noticed a few things about his new friend that worried him. Brandon had been a wonderful nurse, but he often looked overwhelmed before calming himself. With Ezra’s experience growing up, he wondered about the signs of PTSD that he was picking up.
Being a guest in the house and not knowing Brandon well, Ezra didn’t want to cross a line, but he was curious. He’d never want to purposely trigger Brandon, so he kept his questions buried.
He wanted to jump up and follow Brandon to the door but was that really his place? Damn, he was going to do it anyway. Ezra rose from his nest on the corner of the couch. He had to step over Annabelle where she was playing on her tummy in front of the television.
Ezra reached the door just as Eric stepped inside. His breath caught at the sight of the attractive older man. Eric was easy to crush on but as Ezra got closer to him, he was falling even harder. Eric was nearly too good to be true.
Brandon stopped hugging his brother, but Eric kept one arm around him as he looked up and spotted Ezra.
“Hi.” Eric sent him a beautiful smile.
“Hey.” Ezra didn’t know what to do with his hands. Pockets? Behind his back?
Eric settled his dilemma by catching his hand and bringing it to his lips. “How are you feeling?”
“Better.” Ezra curled his fingers around Eric’s palm. “Maybe not one hundred percent but Brandon assures me that I won’t get as sick as Annabelle was.”
“Your immune system was down from being so worn-out caring for the little one,” Brandon said. “Sleep, nutrients, and some vitamins and you should be past the worse of it.”