Page 3 of Doubling Down
“Of course not,” Eric assured him. Maybe other brothers didn’t quite cuddle the way they did but Eric would take out anyone who ever made Brandon feel bad for needing this. Hell, Eric sometimes did as well.
“People might think so. Brothers shouldn’t sleep in the same bed.”
“Fuck what other people think,” Eric stated firmly. “There is nothing wrong in snuggling together. It’s not sexual. It’s about comfort for both of us.”
“Promise?” Brandon asked. A huge yawn broke out.
“I swear. I don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks about us. We’re family.” The only blood family that mattered. Their family of choice was made up of a small but amazing circle of men.
“K.” Brandon slipped his thumb into his mouth as he closed his eyes.
Lying still and quiet, Eric listened as Brandon’s breathing evened out and he fell back asleep.
As close as the two of them were now, there had been several years where Brandon had hidden the little part of himself. Not being comfortable sharing his age regression with Eric had kept the two of them apart. Eric had lost himself in work to bury the hurt of his brother’s distance. Brandon had dated men that hadn’t been kind. The last asshole could have killed him. It had taken hours and hours with speaking to their therapist and working out where they had both made mistakes.
Each day was a struggle for both of them. Brandon’s PTSD could strike at any moment. Eric’s guilt and anger manifested too often. He still saw that they were both healing and improving. They’d never forget but they would get better.
Knowing he had another long day and night in his undercover assignment, Eric forced his eyes closed. He neededto get to sleep. As soon as this job was over, he hoped he could talk Brandon into taking a small little vacation.
They needed to get back to living.
He had a job to do and that meant he had to be on top of things. No matter what happened in his personal hours. Even with everything that had happened and the changes that they’d been through, Eric couldn’t, wouldn’t, complain about how his life was turning out.
He was fulfilled taking care of his brother.
This new side of him came as a shock to himself. Eric had never considered himself a caregiver. Now, even outside the house, Eric was spotting small ways that he wanted to care for those around him.
His friends, those nosy assholes, were very fond of teasing Eric about finding his Daddy side. Kink hadn’t been something that they discussed before visiting Rocky Lake for an assignment. Since they’d returned, Eric wasn’t the only one that had started looking into alternative lifestyles.
Who knew that they all could learn new things about themselves in their forties? Damn, life was more interesting than Eric could have ever imagined.
Chapter One
“I’ll be right back. I’m going to take the trash. Wait for me. I’ll walk you out tonight.”
Ezra rolled his eyes at his best friend and manager. They both worked inside the small coffee shop located in the biggest and best casino on the Strip. Ezra had only been there for about six months, but Dom had been employed there for years, working himself into the position of manager. “I can get to my car on my own.”
Dom narrowed his eyes, which pulled the three piercings in his brow down. He might appear to be a tiny little goth twink but Dom was fierce. Especially when it came to Ezra. “You’ll wait on me,” Dom ordered.
“Fine.” Sometimes it was better not to argue.
“I mean it.” Dom pointed his meticulously painted black fingernail at him. “Don’t go anywhere.”
“I won’t!” Ezra threw his hands up in the air.
Dom pushed through the swinging door that led to the back. At least Dom was taking care of the trash. Ezra hated the long poorly lit hall that led to the back doors and alley. Almost everything in the casino was top-notch—everything except that hallway. He shivered, remembering his recent run-in with security back there. No, Ezra would clean the toilets, every night, with a toothbrush, if it got him out of taking out the trash. Luckily, Dom didn’t mind. And Ezra didn’t have to use a toothbrush to clean anything.
Since there was nothing to really do as he waited and only two customers that had already been taken care of, Ezra pulled his big thick textbook from under the counter. He opened the book to where he’d stuck a sheet of notebook paper and began to reread the paragraph that had been giving him trouble.
Checking out books from the library on children’s sociology might be stupid, but Ezra was aware that he needed all the help he could get. Children, kids, well they needed a lot. More than Ezra had ever known was even possible.
He was deep into the reading when he felt the shift in the air. He wasn’t alone. Goosebumps broke out along his arms. Raising his head, Ezra barely managed to hold in a sigh.
Directly in front of him was the most beautiful man that Ezra had ever seen. Above being attractive, Eric Smith also appeared to be a genuine nice guy. Not that Ezra was a good judge of character. For some reason Ezra had a habit of attracting the users, abusers, and scary partners. He knew that a man like Eric Smith would not be interested in a little weirdo like him.
“A little light reading?” Eric asked with a smirk.