Page 30 of Doubling Down
Eric finished his food and drained his beer before sitting back. The movement caused Ezra to shift on the cushion. Before he knew what he was doing, Ezra leaned against Eric’s arm.
Two commercials later, Eric had his arm around Ezra’s shoulder as Ezra rested his cheek against Eric’s wide chest.
He was a total fan of this position.
Another episode started as Ezra yawned. Even though he was feeling better, Ezra hadn’t quite caught up on his sleep. Being warm, feeling safe, he allowed himself to drift while being held tight.
He’d had fantasies like this.
Back before he had Annabelle and when all that Ezra cared about was finding the man that he was meant to spend his life with. Having a Daddy to love and care for him. Ezra had to give up on those needs when he’d become a father himself. For one moment, just a short amount of time, Ezra could pretend that Eric belonged to him. That his Daddy was watching over him.
It was a nice fantasy.
Chapter Six
Ezra opened his bedroom door, listening for any sound. He’d thought he’d heard Annabelle, but the house was quiet. He couldn’t not check on his baby girl though. She was in a new place and even though it had been a few days, she might be scared.
He strolled over to the door next to his. The door was cracked. Ezra had made sure it had been closed when he’d checked on her last. The baby monitor that Eric had brought home the day before had been working just fine.
Fear spiked through him. Ezra pushed the door open. Annabelle’s nightlight glowed in the dark room, illuminating the empty bed.
No! Where was his baby girl? He turned and sprinted toward the front of the house. Ezra skidded on the tile as he rounded the corner of the living room. He slid to a stop in shock.
All he could see was Eric’s broad back and the blonde curls against his shoulder. Eric and Annabelle. Ezra held his hand over his heart as the adrenaline inside buzzed.
Swaying side to side, Eric spoke softly to Annabelle. Ezra couldn’t hear the words, but they didn’t matter. He could tell by Eric’s demeaner that nothing was more important in that moment than Ezra’s daughter. She was safe with the big guy. They both were.
Again, Ezra couldn’t remember anyone ever holding his daughter that gently. Well, no one other than him. And now Ericand Brandon. The decision to keep Annabelle had his old friends either bailing quickly or gradually disappearing. Ezra wanted to understand but he really couldn’t. He loved that little girl with every fiber of his being.
She was his entire world.
Some days and often late at night, Ezra feared that he had made the wrong decision. That he wouldn’t be able to take care of Annabelle the way that she needed. Maybe she would be better off with a real family. A mom and dad. Then Ezra looked at his little girl and knew that no one would ever love her more.
Wasn’t it worth everything that he had to give up? The struggle. To hear his angel laugh. Yes, it was.
Life was hard though. Being a single dad, that was no joke. Too many late nights, too many worries, and Ezra just wanted a break. For three years it had just been him and Annabelle. Even when she was sick like she had been, Ezra hadn’t allowed himself to rely on someone who would just let him down later.
Ezra had left California and the family that wanted to take Annabelle from him in the dust. If he had to raise that sweet baby on his own, then Ezra would do what was needed. There was no way he’d allow Annabelle to be raised like he had been.
Getting the job at the coffee shop had been a godsend. Ezra had gone from working multiple jobs and struggling to find reliable babysitters he could trust to most of his problems being solved. The program, what the staff affectionally called the day care program offered to employees of Jesse Lambert, was one of a kind. His little girl was settled and happy.
The job had also brought true friends into his life as well. Dom, Tony, Eric, and Brandon were people that didn’t see him or Annabelle as a liability.
Ezra could admit that he was also settled and happy. Was that why Ezra was so tempted to wish for more? Ezra shouldn’t want Eric. Okay, that wasn’t right. Eric was hot, nice, and a truly good man. Ezra would be stupid not to be attracted to Eric. He just needed to stop his wishful thinking. That these couple of days meant more to him than they did to Eric.
Eric barely touched Ezra and not in a sexual way. Soft touches, a brush of his lips over Ezra’s forehead, a hand on his knee. Eric treated Brandon much the same way. Ezra was having hot sexual dreams about Eric while Eric treated him like glass.
There was no way that Eric would be okay with the scorching-hot fantasies Ezra had about him. And calling Eric Daddy? Eric would probably run far and fast.
He didn’t want to move and draw Eric’s attention, so he watched from the hall. Ezra yawned but he didn’t even consider going back to bed. He would watch for as long as he was granted this picture-perfect view.
Eventually it had to come to an end. Eric turned, jerking, when he spotted Ezra watching him.
“Hi.” Ezra mouthed the word.
Eric’s quick grin was sexy as hell. He strode forward with all the confidence in the world. He was once again dressed in sweatpants and a T-shirt. His comfy clothes, Brandon called them. Eric looked good in his suits, but Ezra much preferred him like this. He was more approachable. More real. Dressed-down Eric was fuckable. Lickable.