Page 8 of Doubling Down
Tony had offered to do it later, but he’d have his own trash to take out and Ezra could handle the trip down the hall and out to the alley. He couldn’t let one bad moment leave him scared for the rest of his life. Ezra was an adult and with that came adult responsibilities.
Before he reached the exit door, the light above his head flickered. Ezra shuddered. Someone needed to figure out how to make this hall less creepy. Ezra was not a fan of horror movies or scary things. This had all the hallmarks of a serial killer jumping out at him.
Dump the trash and grab his stuff. He could be out of there within fifteen minutes. The small cheap apartment that he was currently renting on a month-to-month basis was only a few blocks from the casino. It was not in a good area. Nothing right off the Strip was but it was all Ezra could afford as he caught up on bills. It was home though and Ezra kept the place clean.
Every day he woke up and thanked his lucky stars that he’d run into Dom, literally, and had gotten a job with Lambert Entertainment. Even if Ezra had never planned on being a full-time barista at a coffee shop in the middle of a huge casino, fate had a funny way of changing one’s life. Ezra knew betterthan anyone how quickly life could screech to a halt or change drastically.
That thought brought a smile to his face. He’d been two years into the first semester at the state college when his life had veered off course. Off course was an understatement. Ezra’s life had skidded off the track, down a dirt embankment, and landed in a pond. Not literally. And Ezra would never regret one moment since he made the decision that college would have to wait. Not with how blessed he turned out to be by making one decision.
Ezra hit the bar across the heavy metal door that led to the alley hard. The door opening echoed around the quiet hall. God, Ezra hated that sound.
He hurried over to the large blue dumpsters then dropped the bags to the ground. He cursed his five-foot-four height as he had to jump to push the covers back. The lids clanged as they hit the top but nothing Ezra could do about that.
Ezra threw the three bags inside the dumpster then moved back and jumped to knock the lid down into place. Embarrassing it took three tries. He smacked his hands on his jeans, proud of a job well done when he heard the door open.
No! Terrified, Ezra peeked around the side of the dumpster. Fuck! How did that asshole always know when Ezra was alone?
“Hey, pretty boy!” Joey Collins said as he closed the door and leaned against it.
There was no way that Ezra could get past him now. Joey was a big guy, huge, and mean. Ezra had never understood how someone like Joey could get such a high position for Jesse Lambert.
Having no other choice, Ezra stepped from around the dumpster. “Oh, hey, Joey.”
Joey grinned at Ezra with perfect white teeth, but the smile didn’t make it to those dark glittery eyes. Ezra’s stomach rolled.
“I told you to let me know when you need to come out here. I would have escorted you.” Joey leered. It was not a pretty sight. “You never know who you might run into in this deserted area.”
Ezra had to play it cool. He’d been around Joey enough to know that the asshole got off on seeing his prey scared. He shrugged. “It’s no big deal. Just had to take out the trash before I leave.”
“You’re off for the night?” Joey pushed off the door to stand at his full height.
Not good. Not good. “Yeah, headed out now. I need to just check in with Tony and grab my stuff.” Damn, Dom wasn’t there to walk him out.
Joey grinned again. “How about a drink? I can take you to my place—”
Ezra was already shaking his head. “I can’t tonight.” Or ever.
Joey scowled at him before striding forward. “I’m getting tired of you turning me down.”
You’d think the asshole would get the message then. “I’m sorry, Joey. I’m just not in a place to date right now.”
Joey laughed as he stopped in front of Ezra. “Who said anything about dating? I just want to fuck that pretty ass.”
Nice. Not. Ezra’s instincts had him stepping back just as Joey reached for him.
“Don’t be that way,” Joey said. “I’m getting tired of this. I never have to work this hard with anyone. Your ass better be worth all my trouble.”
“I’m really sorry. I just…I’m not comfortable—” Ezra edged around Joey to get closer to the door.
Joey growled.
The door was getting closer and closer. Just a few steps away.
“Fuck this!” Joey stomped toward him.
Ezra squeaked as he threw himself back. He windmilled his arms just as he heard the door open behind him. Ezra lost his footing and had barely enough time to brace himself for what could be a hard fall.
A strong arm wrapped around his waist before Ezra hit the ground.