Page 74 of Resisting Mr Black
“No, no,” I reply hastily, aware this couldn’t be any more awkward. “I had to leave the flat. A builder found asbestos in the shop, and they said it could potentially be in the flat too.”
“Asbestos,” Martin says worriedly. “That stuff’s bloody toxic.”
Mum places her glass of wine down. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I didn’t want you to worry,” I shoot back.
“It’s all sorted,” Art interjects calmly. “A friend of mine had an apartment to let in Pimlico, so Sophie moved in.”
“Pimlico?” Mum gasps as if she can’t quite believe it.
Martin nods approvingly. “Very nice, love.”
“The apartment’s lovely. Art helped me move in.”
“It’s extremely secure. Undercover parking, a security system, and 24/7 concierge-manned reception,” Art adds.
It’s like he knows exactly what to say to calm Mum down.
She beams. “That’s wonderful.”
“Yes, it’s nice to see that there are still some gentlemen out there,” Martin enthuses. “We do worry about Sophie living in the city.”
Art drapes an arm across the back of my chair and rests a hand on my shoulder. “There’s no need. No one will hurt her now she’s with me.”
Mum’s bottom lip begins to tremble and I’m sure she’s going to cry. I give silent thanks when she sniffs and appears to regain some composure. “It’s such a relief for us that Sophie’s found herself such a lovely boyfriend.” I cringe, there’s that word again. “Not like the last one.” Mum’s smiles fades.
Oh God.I neck my wine. This could go either way.
“He was bad lot,” Martin says darkly.
“Humph. That’s an understatement.” Mum’s lips purse in disapproval. “Do you know the things—”
“Mum,” I cut her off before she can do any more damage. “Martin. Sorry, but we should really go. I’ve got a wedding tomorrow.”
Martin nods. “Oh, okay, love. We’ll let you get back.”
“Yes, it’s been lovely meeting you, Art,” Mum beams.
“And you both.” Art smiles and beckons the waiter over and murmurs something to him, which I can’t catch.
I’m already on my feet, raring to go before Mum can spill any of my secrets. I glance across the table to find her flashing her eyes at me and mouthing, “He’s a keeper.”
I already know that.
Art climbs to his feet and juts out a hand for Martin to shake. “It’s been lovely to meet you and Happy Birthday.”
He weaves round to Mum, who is already offering her pink cheek for him to kiss.
“It’s been wonderful to meet you too. I do hope we see you again soon,” she gushes.
Art kisses her on the cheek and flashes a perfect smile. “I’m sure, and as a birthday gift from me to you, this meal is paid for.”
Martin and Mum look at one another, flabbergasted.
“Oh no, son, you don’t need to do that,” Martin says snapping out of it.
“I insist.”