Page 85 of Resisting Mr Black
“In that case, don’t you think it’s likely that he’s got a copy of the ke—”
Our heads swing towards the door at the sound of a key turning in the lock. Sure enough, the front door swings open, and he charges towards us, kicking the door closed behind him with a bang. I jump up from my stool and back away from him behind the sofa.
He’s got a bloody key and let himself in. Just like he did before,I realise. That time I was drunk and when the picture arrived. He’s been letting himself in and out of my apartment since the moment I moved in.
“Get out!” I cry pointing at the door. “You’re trespassing.”
“Not really, given that I own the place,” he retorts, advancing towards me.
He’s getting closer. I can’t have him near me. I can’t have him within touching distance. My hands fly out in panic. “Don’t come near me.”
He stops a few metres away from me and jams his hands into the front pockets of his trousers, frustration etched across his face.
Lucy’s eyes dart between me and him as she slides off her stool in the kitchen. “I’ll just be in the bedroom,” she says, sloping away.
I can’t look at him because he’ll manipulate me.
I turn around and fold my arms, staring down at the dark and glistening waters of the Thames below.
“You shouldn’t have bothered coming.”
“Do you really think I’m just going to disappear from your life?”
I hate the words I’m about to say. “I want you to.”
Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, I see the silhouette of his reflection and watch his head bow. “You don’t mean that.”
He’s doing it again. Telling me what I think.
Anger ignites in my gut. “You don’t tell me how I feel. You don’t get to tell me anything anymore because we’re over.”
“Please, stop saying that.” The pleading tone in his voice is back and I hate myself for making him sound like this but it’s his fault. It’s all his fault.
“You lied to me. Everything I thought I knew about you is a lie. Our whole relationship is based on a lie. I don’t know you, you’re a stranger to me.” My voice trembles as reality sinks in.
“I should have told you about the club at the start. The longer it went on, the harder it got. I know I fucked that up and I’m so sorry. But what we have is real and you do know me.” His voice quietens. “You know me better than anyone.”
“I know the version of Art you want to give,” I snap. “But the real Art owns a club where women get their tits out.”
“It’s just a business that I own. I’m never usually there, I leave that to the manager, but sometimes things crop up and I need to get involved.”
…sometimes things can get out of hand with some of the guys. Testosterone and all that.
His words echo back through my brain and it all makes sense now. “No wonder things can get out of hand with baying men watching naked women jiggling their bits about.” I shake my head in anger. “And there I was thinking you were talking about the gyms. I’ve been such a stupid cow, and everyone knew except me.” My brain reveals another piece of the jigsaw. “Big Steve knew, didn’t he? He knew you hadn’t told me about the club, and he knew how I was going to react when I found out. He was warning you not to hurt me, he wasn’t warning you about me.”
“He’s a good guy and a good friend.”
Which is more than can be said of the other “friend”,I think cynically.
“Is it just business with Tara?” I hiss as jealously stabs at my heart. “No wonder you don’t need to shag her anymore, you can see her tits any time you like.”
“It’s not like that. She just happens to work there. Like I said, I don’t go there very often.”
I don’t believe anything he says anymore.
“I’m moving out,” I announce.
“What?” he snaps. “Where are you going to go?”